1. Drink plenty of water.
2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.
3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants..
4. Live with the 3 E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy
5. Make time to pray.
6. Play more games
7. Read more books than you did in 2009 .
8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day
9. Sleep for 7 hours..
10. Take a 10-30 minutes walk daily. And while you walk, smile.
11. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
12. Don't have negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
13. Don't over do. Keep your limits.
14. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
15. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip.
16. Dream more while you are awake
17. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need..
18. Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner with His/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
20. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
21. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
22. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
23. Smile and laugh more.
24. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree....
25. Call your family often.
26. Each day give something good to others.
27. Forgive everyone for everything..
28. Spend time w/ people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6.
29.. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
30. What other people think of you is none of your business.
31. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.
32. Do the right thing!
33. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
34. GOD heals everything.
35. However good or bad a situation is, it will change..
36. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
37. The best is yet to come..
38. When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it.
39. Your Inner most is always happy. So, be happy.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
A Survey to end the year with.
Stayed single almost the whole year?
** The whole freakin year basically. :/
Were involved in something you'll never forget?
** Definitely.
Tripped over a coffee table?
** Not so much tripped but ran into, many times.
Came close to losing your life?
** No, thank God.
Saw one of your favorite bands/artists live?
** Yesssss :) Dierks Bentley, Brad Paisley, Lil Wayne, Young Jeezy, Souja Boy Tell Em
Did you meet any new friends this year?
** Yess.. Quite a few!
Did you hate anyone?
** Yes.
Did you have a cake?
** Sure did
Did you get any presents?
** Definitely did :)
Did you change at all this year?
** Hmm, I don’t know? Well yeah.. I’ve changed gradually I guess.
Did you change your style?
** Not so much, unless you count my love for flannel tops a change?
Were you in school?
** Nope
Did you get good grades?
** n/a
Did you drive?
** Duhh
Did you own a car?
** Yessum, I call it my little go cart. It's a 2008 Kia Rio.
Did anyone close to you give birth?
** Yes! <3
Did you go on any vacations?
** One vaca & a couple mini getaways.
Would you change anything about yourself now?
** YES!
2009: WRAP UP:
Was 2009 a good year?
** It wasn’t too shabby, def not even close to being considered one of the best though.
Do you think 2010 will top 2009?
** I sure the hell hope so.
Kissed in the snow?
** Noo :/
In the parking lot? at the beach ? in secret ?
** In secret & in the parking lot..yes.
Had your heart broken?
** It has been broken for quite some time.
Painted a picture?
** No
Wrote a poem?
** No
Ran a mile?
** Walked yes, ran no.
Visited a foreign country?
** Canada!
Cut in a line of waiting people?
** Noo, I’m too nice.
Told someone you were busy when you weren't?
** Yeahh..
Cooked a disastrous meal?
** Haha oh I did a horrible job on the bacon for Christmas morning breakfast.
Lied about how old you were?
** Maybe to myself. Haha
IN 2009 I....
Broke a promise?
** Prolly.. even tho that’s my least favorite thing to do :(
** I’m sure there were many white lies that came outta my mouth.
Disappointed someone close?
** Ugh, sure hope not :/
Hid a secret?
** Yes.
Pretended to be happy?
** Yes.
Slept under the stars?
** No.
Met someone who changed your life?
** Yes.
Changed your outlook on life?
** Many times.
Sat home all day doing nothing?
** Yess.
Lost something expensive?
** I did, for about 5 months.. but it found its way back to me!
Learned something new about yourself?
** Yes.
Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it?
** I did that A LOT this year actually..
Made a change in your life?
** Yessum.
Found out who your true friends were?
** Sure did.
Met great people?
** I did!!
Stayed up til sunrise?
** Haha yesss.. Couple times.
Cried over the silliest thing?
** I’m a girl.. that shit tends to creep up outta no where.
Had friends who were drifting away from you?
** Yeahhh. :/
Spent most of your money on food?
** Pretty much all my extra money goes to food, that and beers.
Gotten sick?
** Not realllly.
Liked more than 5 people at the same time?
** Ha it's possible.. I’m single, I crush a lot.
Became closer with a lot of people?
** A few, but a few GREAT ones!
Stayed single almost the whole year?
** The whole freakin year basically. :/
Were involved in something you'll never forget?
** Definitely.
Tripped over a coffee table?
** Not so much tripped but ran into, many times.
Came close to losing your life?
** No, thank God.
Saw one of your favorite bands/artists live?
** Yesssss :) Dierks Bentley, Brad Paisley, Lil Wayne, Young Jeezy, Souja Boy Tell Em
Did you meet any new friends this year?
** Yess.. Quite a few!
Did you hate anyone?
** Yes.
Did you have a cake?
** Sure did
Did you get any presents?
** Definitely did :)
Did you change at all this year?
** Hmm, I don’t know? Well yeah.. I’ve changed gradually I guess.
Did you change your style?
** Not so much, unless you count my love for flannel tops a change?
Were you in school?
** Nope
Did you get good grades?
** n/a
Did you drive?
** Duhh
Did you own a car?
** Yessum, I call it my little go cart. It's a 2008 Kia Rio.
Did anyone close to you give birth?
** Yes! <3
Did you go on any vacations?
** One vaca & a couple mini getaways.
Would you change anything about yourself now?
** YES!
2009: WRAP UP:
Was 2009 a good year?
** It wasn’t too shabby, def not even close to being considered one of the best though.
Do you think 2010 will top 2009?
** I sure the hell hope so.
Kissed in the snow?
** Noo :/
In the parking lot? at the beach ? in secret ?
** In secret & in the parking lot..yes.
Had your heart broken?
** It has been broken for quite some time.
Painted a picture?
** No
Wrote a poem?
** No
Ran a mile?
** Walked yes, ran no.
Visited a foreign country?
** Canada!
Cut in a line of waiting people?
** Noo, I’m too nice.
Told someone you were busy when you weren't?
** Yeahh..
Cooked a disastrous meal?
** Haha oh I did a horrible job on the bacon for Christmas morning breakfast.
Lied about how old you were?
** Maybe to myself. Haha
IN 2009 I....
Broke a promise?
** Prolly.. even tho that’s my least favorite thing to do :(
** I’m sure there were many white lies that came outta my mouth.
Disappointed someone close?
** Ugh, sure hope not :/
Hid a secret?
** Yes.
Pretended to be happy?
** Yes.
Slept under the stars?
** No.
Met someone who changed your life?
** Yes.
Changed your outlook on life?
** Many times.
Sat home all day doing nothing?
** Yess.
Lost something expensive?
** I did, for about 5 months.. but it found its way back to me!
Learned something new about yourself?
** Yes.
Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it?
** I did that A LOT this year actually..
Made a change in your life?
** Yessum.
Found out who your true friends were?
** Sure did.
Met great people?
** I did!!
Stayed up til sunrise?
** Haha yesss.. Couple times.
Cried over the silliest thing?
** I’m a girl.. that shit tends to creep up outta no where.
Had friends who were drifting away from you?
** Yeahhh. :/
Spent most of your money on food?
** Pretty much all my extra money goes to food, that and beers.
Gotten sick?
** Not realllly.
Liked more than 5 people at the same time?
** Ha it's possible.. I’m single, I crush a lot.
Became closer with a lot of people?
** A few, but a few GREAT ones!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
2009 Recap.
I started off 2009 with a couple different resolutions. One was to lose weight (which didn’t work out as planned.) Two was to leave the bad influences, whether it was people or habits in 2008 and not let them creep their way back into my life in 2009 (For the most part, I succeeded!) I wanted to stay tan, save money, and go on a vacation or two. I didn’t stay tan, I saved about .25 cents and the only “vacation” I went on was to Canada 2 days after the new year, then the few random trips to “Mountaineer” in West Virginia and of course my trip to NYC. :)
I gained SO many friends this year. So many that I can’t even count and/or name them all. I got even closer to the close friends that I gained in previous years. I re-kindled two friendships with two girls that I had been friends with since the moment we were both born. I’m extremely close with a select few people from my work, who I love with every piece of my heart. I can’t imagine life without my “favorites.” They’re the glue that holds me together and the rocks & sticks that tear me apart from things, situations or people that I don’t need in my life. I’m grateful beyond words for my friends that have remained true, trusting, and loving. <3 I also got extremely close with my family members. I have a great deal of love for my brother, Jeff. He's an amazing person, he has a huuge heart and a kickass personality. I'm still daddy's little girl & momma's world :) My cousin Marky is an outstanding teenager. His maturity levels go through the charts & always has the best advice.
The only negative parts of 2009 was having all this love to give and not having anyone to give it to. But everything happens for a reason, and I have FAITH that things will change shortly and only for the better. The other negative part of 2009 was realizing that I’m losing a veryyy very close friend of mine. Someone who knew me better than I did. She knew me, literally, inside & out. She knew what I was thinking before I did. She knew what I looked for in a guy, what my favorite snacks, drinks, restaurants & sports teams were. Ya know, that type of best friends where you finish each others sentences? We could just chill with each other at home while doing homework or watching tv and we’d still have the best time ever, even if we only said 3 words the whole time we were together. I miss her a great deal, but you can’t force someone to stay in your life that doesn’t want to be. I don’t know if it’s because we’ve both changed, or somewhat molded into different people, or if our night & day like different schedules were the death of us, I don’t know. I just know that I miss her, and I’ve tried to get her to hang out with me, do stuff, get lunch, I text & call and she usually doesn’t even hit me back. Now my birthday just past and she didn’t get me a present or even try to see me, to celebrate my birthday (which we’ve done for the past 15 years together) so I took that as a sign we really did drift apart.
But now it’s the end of 2009 and 2010 is seriously right around the corner. I get more & more excited with each passing day because I keep realizing that 2010 is a brand new year. You can basically start from scratch. I’m ecstatic! I love starting fresh, erasing the past that has only brought me tears & heartache. Starting up new hobbies, traditions, and making new plans for the year to come. I'm looking forward to a new year with new memories, new resolutions to ACCOMPLISH & a new me to get in the works.
Happy New Year! Make 2010 your year!
Top 25 Songs of 2009 – Enjoy!
I gained SO many friends this year. So many that I can’t even count and/or name them all. I got even closer to the close friends that I gained in previous years. I re-kindled two friendships with two girls that I had been friends with since the moment we were both born. I’m extremely close with a select few people from my work, who I love with every piece of my heart. I can’t imagine life without my “favorites.” They’re the glue that holds me together and the rocks & sticks that tear me apart from things, situations or people that I don’t need in my life. I’m grateful beyond words for my friends that have remained true, trusting, and loving. <3 I also got extremely close with my family members. I have a great deal of love for my brother, Jeff. He's an amazing person, he has a huuge heart and a kickass personality. I'm still daddy's little girl & momma's world :) My cousin Marky is an outstanding teenager. His maturity levels go through the charts & always has the best advice.
The only negative parts of 2009 was having all this love to give and not having anyone to give it to. But everything happens for a reason, and I have FAITH that things will change shortly and only for the better. The other negative part of 2009 was realizing that I’m losing a veryyy very close friend of mine. Someone who knew me better than I did. She knew me, literally, inside & out. She knew what I was thinking before I did. She knew what I looked for in a guy, what my favorite snacks, drinks, restaurants & sports teams were. Ya know, that type of best friends where you finish each others sentences? We could just chill with each other at home while doing homework or watching tv and we’d still have the best time ever, even if we only said 3 words the whole time we were together. I miss her a great deal, but you can’t force someone to stay in your life that doesn’t want to be. I don’t know if it’s because we’ve both changed, or somewhat molded into different people, or if our night & day like different schedules were the death of us, I don’t know. I just know that I miss her, and I’ve tried to get her to hang out with me, do stuff, get lunch, I text & call and she usually doesn’t even hit me back. Now my birthday just past and she didn’t get me a present or even try to see me, to celebrate my birthday (which we’ve done for the past 15 years together) so I took that as a sign we really did drift apart.
But now it’s the end of 2009 and 2010 is seriously right around the corner. I get more & more excited with each passing day because I keep realizing that 2010 is a brand new year. You can basically start from scratch. I’m ecstatic! I love starting fresh, erasing the past that has only brought me tears & heartache. Starting up new hobbies, traditions, and making new plans for the year to come. I'm looking forward to a new year with new memories, new resolutions to ACCOMPLISH & a new me to get in the works.
Happy New Year! Make 2010 your year!
Top 25 Songs of 2009 – Enjoy!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Movie Reviews.
The holidays are almost over now. The biggest, Christmas, came & went faster than ever it seems. I can always count on all of our family traditions to make my holidays magical. Over the past few years it’s basically become a family tradition that we go to the movies on Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Years Day. Thanksgiving, my family & I went and saw “2012”, which was an action packed thriller. There was constant things blowing up and kept you at the edge of your seat in suspense. Some people wouldn’t recommend you to go see it, but I enjoyed it. On Christmas day, my friend Lauren, her boyfriend Josh, my cousin Marky, my brother Jeff & I went and saw "Sherlock Holmes." That movie was amazing. It was based in the past in London, England when all the guys wore huge top hats & the women somehow fit into huge ballroom gowns, on a daily basis. It’s refreshing to watch the movie just for the simple fact of how much history you get to see through-out the movie. Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law & Rachel McAdams were brilliant and definitely brought the movie from a 6 or 7 to a 8 or 9. It’s worth $8.75 (or however much your movie theater charges you!) The last holiday, New Years Day is this upcoming Friday and here are some movies that are still in the theatres that I’m tempted to go see.
“Alvin & the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel”
Stars: Zachary Levi, David Cross, Jason Lee
Family - Rated: PG - Critics Rated: C+
Quick Description:
In the Alvin & the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel, Alvin, Simon and Theodore take a break from pop-music stardom and return to school. Almost immediately, the tiny tunesmiths are given the giant task of saving their school's music program by winning a battle of the band's contest. Though the boys think winning the contest will be easy, romantic and musical sparks fly when they meet Brittany, Eleanor and Jeannette -- also known as The Chipettes.

“It’s Complicated”
Stars: Meryl Streep, Steve Martin, Alec Baldwin
Comedy - Rated: R - Critics Ratings: C+
Quick Description:
Jane is the mother of three grown kids, owns a thriving Santa Barbara bakery/restaurant and has—after a decade of divorce—an amicable relationship with her ex-husband, attorney Jake. But when Jane and Jake find themselves out of town for their son’s college graduation, things start to get complicated. An innocent meal together turns into the unimaginable—an affair. With Jake remarried to the much younger Agness, Jane is now, of all things, the other woman. Caught in the middle of their renewed romance is Adam, an architect hired to remodel Jane’s kitchen. Healing from a divorce of his own, Adam starts to fall for Jane, but soon realizes he’s become part of a love triangle.

“Up in the Air”
Stars: George Clooney, Vera Farmiga, Anna Kendrick
Comedy, Drama - Rated: R - Critics Rating: B
Quick Description:
George Clooney as Ryan Bingham, a corporate downsizing expert whose cherished life on the road is threatened just as he is on the cusp of reaching ten million frequent flyer miles and just after he’s met the frequent-traveler woman of his dreams.

“The Blind Side”
Stars: Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw, Quinton Aaron
Drama - Rated: PG-13 - Critics Ratings: B+, D+
Quick Description:
A homeless black teenager, Michael Oher has drifted in and out of the school system for years. Then Leigh Anne Tuohy and her husband, Sean, take him in, transforming Michael's life and theirs. With help from his new-found family, tutors and coaches, he realizes his potential as a student and football player.

“Did You Hear About the Morgans?”
Stars: Hugh Grant, Sarah Jessica Parker, Sam Elliott
Drama, Romance - Rated: PG-13 - Critics Ratings: D-
Quick Description:
New Yorkers Paul and Meryl Morgan seem to have it all -- except for the fact that their marriage is crumbling around them. But their romantic woes are small compared to the world of trouble they find themselves in after they witness a murder. To protect them from an assassin, federal agents whisk Paul and Meryl away to small-town Wyoming, where their marriage will either finally crash and burn, or their passion will re-ignite.

Other movies that are out “Nine”, “Avatar” & “Brothers.” I’m not a huge fan of “Nine” and “Avatar” but both of these movies were sold out on Christmas day and had lines out the door waiting for the showing to start. The movie “Brothers” I’ve already seen and highly enjoyed. It focused a great deal on the war in Afghanistan, with what American Soldiers go through from being deployed. It was a little more detailed about the war than the previews let you see. It was a good movie, but you can wait until it comes out on DVD to rent it. (P.S. Jake Gyllenhaal is completely gorgeous through the entire movie.)
“Alvin & the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel”
Stars: Zachary Levi, David Cross, Jason Lee
Family - Rated: PG - Critics Rated: C+
Quick Description:
In the Alvin & the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel, Alvin, Simon and Theodore take a break from pop-music stardom and return to school. Almost immediately, the tiny tunesmiths are given the giant task of saving their school's music program by winning a battle of the band's contest. Though the boys think winning the contest will be easy, romantic and musical sparks fly when they meet Brittany, Eleanor and Jeannette -- also known as The Chipettes.

“It’s Complicated”
Stars: Meryl Streep, Steve Martin, Alec Baldwin
Comedy - Rated: R - Critics Ratings: C+
Quick Description:
Jane is the mother of three grown kids, owns a thriving Santa Barbara bakery/restaurant and has—after a decade of divorce—an amicable relationship with her ex-husband, attorney Jake. But when Jane and Jake find themselves out of town for their son’s college graduation, things start to get complicated. An innocent meal together turns into the unimaginable—an affair. With Jake remarried to the much younger Agness, Jane is now, of all things, the other woman. Caught in the middle of their renewed romance is Adam, an architect hired to remodel Jane’s kitchen. Healing from a divorce of his own, Adam starts to fall for Jane, but soon realizes he’s become part of a love triangle.

“Up in the Air”
Stars: George Clooney, Vera Farmiga, Anna Kendrick
Comedy, Drama - Rated: R - Critics Rating: B
Quick Description:
George Clooney as Ryan Bingham, a corporate downsizing expert whose cherished life on the road is threatened just as he is on the cusp of reaching ten million frequent flyer miles and just after he’s met the frequent-traveler woman of his dreams.

“The Blind Side”
Stars: Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw, Quinton Aaron
Drama - Rated: PG-13 - Critics Ratings: B+, D+
Quick Description:
A homeless black teenager, Michael Oher has drifted in and out of the school system for years. Then Leigh Anne Tuohy and her husband, Sean, take him in, transforming Michael's life and theirs. With help from his new-found family, tutors and coaches, he realizes his potential as a student and football player.

“Did You Hear About the Morgans?”
Stars: Hugh Grant, Sarah Jessica Parker, Sam Elliott
Drama, Romance - Rated: PG-13 - Critics Ratings: D-
Quick Description:
New Yorkers Paul and Meryl Morgan seem to have it all -- except for the fact that their marriage is crumbling around them. But their romantic woes are small compared to the world of trouble they find themselves in after they witness a murder. To protect them from an assassin, federal agents whisk Paul and Meryl away to small-town Wyoming, where their marriage will either finally crash and burn, or their passion will re-ignite.

Other movies that are out “Nine”, “Avatar” & “Brothers.” I’m not a huge fan of “Nine” and “Avatar” but both of these movies were sold out on Christmas day and had lines out the door waiting for the showing to start. The movie “Brothers” I’ve already seen and highly enjoyed. It focused a great deal on the war in Afghanistan, with what American Soldiers go through from being deployed. It was a little more detailed about the war than the previews let you see. It was a good movie, but you can wait until it comes out on DVD to rent it. (P.S. Jake Gyllenhaal is completely gorgeous through the entire movie.)
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Southern Belles.
Below are the Southern Belles of country music.
They are my favorite ladies in the industry & all completely gorgeous.
I listed my most favorite songs that they sing, both old & new.
I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm light weight obsessed with Taylor Swift.
* Taylor Swift - Birthdate: December 13, 1989
Songs: "Invisible", "You Belong With Me", "Breathe", "Should've Said No", "Our Song", "Hey Stephen", "Change", "Love Story", "White Horse", "Teardrops on My Guitar", "Tim McGraw", "Forever & Always", "You're Not Sorry", "Picture to Burn", "Fearless", "Tell Me Why", "The Way I Loved You", and "Just to See You Smile"
* Kellie Pickler - Birthdate: June 26, 1986
Songs: "Didn't You Know How Much I Loved You", "Best Days of Your Life", "Red High Heels", "Things That Never Cross a Man's Mind", "Rocks Instead of Rice", "Don't You Know You're Beautiful", "Girls Like Me", "Somebody to Love Me", and "Makin' Me Fall in Love Again"
* Danielle Peck - Birthdate: September 14 1978
Songs: "Before He Cheats", "Wasted", "Last Name", "I Told You So", "All-American Girl", "Cowboy Casanova", and "Temporary Home"
* Julianne Hough - Birthdate: July 20, 1988
Songs: "My Hallelujah Song", and "That Song in My Head"
* Sugarland - Jennifer Nettles (and Kristian Bush)
* Shania Twain - Birthdate: August 28, 1965
Songs: "Any Man of Mine", "Man! I Feel Like a Woman!", "Honey, I'm Home", "That Don't Impress Me Much", "Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under", "(If You're Not in it For Love) I'm Outta Here!", "From This Moment On", "Come On Over", "You're Still the One", and "It Only Hurts When I'm Breathing"
* Gloriana - Rachel Reinert, Cheyenne Kimball (and Tom Gossin, Mike Gossin)
Songs: "Wild at Heart", "The Way it Goes", "You Said", and "Time to Let Me Go"
They are my favorite ladies in the industry & all completely gorgeous.
I listed my most favorite songs that they sing, both old & new.
I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm light weight obsessed with Taylor Swift.
* Taylor Swift - Birthdate: December 13, 1989

Songs: "Invisible", "You Belong With Me", "Breathe", "Should've Said No", "Our Song", "Hey Stephen", "Change", "Love Story", "White Horse", "Teardrops on My Guitar", "Tim McGraw", "Forever & Always", "You're Not Sorry", "Picture to Burn", "Fearless", "Tell Me Why", "The Way I Loved You", and "Just to See You Smile"
* Kellie Pickler - Birthdate: June 26, 1986

Songs: "Didn't You Know How Much I Loved You", "Best Days of Your Life", "Red High Heels", "Things That Never Cross a Man's Mind", "Rocks Instead of Rice", "Don't You Know You're Beautiful", "Girls Like Me", "Somebody to Love Me", and "Makin' Me Fall in Love Again"
* Danielle Peck - Birthdate: September 14 1978

Songs: "Bad for Me", "Findin' a Good Man", "I Don't", "Honky-Tonk Time", "Can't Behave", "Isn't That Everything", and "Thirsty Again"
* Carrie Underwood - Birthdate: March 10, 1983
* Carrie Underwood - Birthdate: March 10, 1983

Songs: "Before He Cheats", "Wasted", "Last Name", "I Told You So", "All-American Girl", "Cowboy Casanova", and "Temporary Home"
* Julianne Hough - Birthdate: July 20, 1988

Songs: "My Hallelujah Song", and "That Song in My Head"
* Sugarland - Jennifer Nettles (and Kristian Bush)

Songs: "All I Want to Do", "It Happens", "Stay", "Wishing", "Joey", "Fall Into Me", "Come On Get Higher", "Already Gone", and "Life in a Northern Town"
* Shania Twain - Birthdate: August 28, 1965

Songs: "Any Man of Mine", "Man! I Feel Like a Woman!", "Honey, I'm Home", "That Don't Impress Me Much", "Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under", "(If You're Not in it For Love) I'm Outta Here!", "From This Moment On", "Come On Over", "You're Still the One", and "It Only Hurts When I'm Breathing"
* Gloriana - Rachel Reinert, Cheyenne Kimball (and Tom Gossin, Mike Gossin)

Songs: "Wild at Heart", "The Way it Goes", "You Said", and "Time to Let Me Go"
Saturday, December 26, 2009
I wish I knew how to get Zach's actual video of him singing this song onto my blog, but I can't find the embedded code to post here. So the link is as good as it's going to get.
This song, and the guy singing it, is truly amazing. I loved the song & related to it 110%.
"Everyone Needs Someone to Love at Christmas Time" by Zach Wcislo
This song, and the guy singing it, is truly amazing. I loved the song & related to it 110%.
"Everyone Needs Someone to Love at Christmas Time" by Zach Wcislo
Just a bunch of Hicks.
Below are my absolute FAVORITE men in the Country Music Industry.
They're sexy (especially with a guitar) and their songs are amazing.
I listed some of my most favorite songs they sing, old and new.
* Dierks Bentley - Birthdate: November 20, 1975

Songs: "Sideways", "Feel That Fire", "I Wanna Make You Closer Your Eyes", "Trying to Stop You Leaving", "Every Mile a Memory", "Free & Easy (Down the Road I Go)", "What Was I Thinkin'", "Come a Little Closer", and "Settle For a Slowdown"
* Love and Theft
Brian Bandas, Stephen Barker Liles and Eric Gunderson

Songs: "Runaway", "Don't wake me", and "Dancing in Circles"
* Chris Young - Birthdate: June 12, 1985

They're sexy (especially with a guitar) and their songs are amazing.
I listed some of my most favorite songs they sing, old and new.
* Dierks Bentley - Birthdate: November 20, 1975

Songs: "Sideways", "Feel That Fire", "I Wanna Make You Closer Your Eyes", "Trying to Stop You Leaving", "Every Mile a Memory", "Free & Easy (Down the Road I Go)", "What Was I Thinkin'", "Come a Little Closer", and "Settle For a Slowdown"
* Love and Theft
Brian Bandas, Stephen Barker Liles and Eric Gunderson

Songs: "Runaway", "Don't wake me", and "Dancing in Circles"
* Chris Young - Birthdate: June 12, 1985

Songs: "Gettin' You Home", "The Man I Want to Be", "You're Gonna Love Me", "Drinkin' Me Lonely", and "Voices"
* Easton Corbin

Songs: "A Little More Country Than That"
* Lady Antebellum
Charles Kelley, Dave Haywood (and Hillary Scott)

Songs: "Love Don't Live here", "Lookin' For a Good Time", "I Run to You", "Need You Now"
* Jason Aldean - Birthdate: February 28, 1977

Songs: "Small Town USA", "Backwoods" and "Back That Thing Up"
* Joshua Ryan aka "Jake" Owen - Birthdate: August 28, 1981

Songs: "Eight Second Ride", "Something About a Woman", "Startin' With Me", "Don't Think I Can't Love You" and "Yee Haw"
* Luke Bryan - Birthdate: July 17, 1976

Songs: "Do I", "All My Friends Say", "Country Man" and "We Rode in Trucks"
* Blake Shelton - Birthdate: June 18, 1976

Songs: "Hillbilly Bone", "Austin", "Some Beach", "She Wouldn't Be Gone" and "I'll Just Hold On"
* Josh Turner - Birthdate: November 20, 1977

Songs: "Firecracker", "Your Man", "Would You Go with Me", "Backwoods Boy" and " Why Don't We Just Dance"
* Billy Currington - November 19, 1973

Songs: "That's How Country Boys Roll", "Good Directions", "Must Be Doin' Something Right", "Little Bit of Everything", and "People Are Crazy"
* Kenneth (aka) Eric Church - Birthdate: May 3, 1977

Songs: "Love Your Love the Most", "Guys Like Me", "How 'bout You", "Hell on the Heart", "Sinners Like Me"
* Tim Mcgraw - Birthdate: May 1, 1967

Songs: "Let It Go", "Southern Voice", " If You're Reading This", "Nothin' to Die For", "I Like It, I Love It", "Something Like That", "It's Your Love", and "Don't Take The Girl"
* Brad Paisley - Birthdate: October 28, 1972

* Easton Corbin

Songs: "A Little More Country Than That"
* Lady Antebellum
Charles Kelley, Dave Haywood (and Hillary Scott)

Songs: "Love Don't Live here", "Lookin' For a Good Time", "I Run to You", "Need You Now"
* Jason Aldean - Birthdate: February 28, 1977

Songs: "She's Country", "Big Green Tractor", "Hicktown", "Why", "Amarillo Sky", "Laughed Until We Cried", "Relentless", "The Truth", and "Johnny Cash"
* Rodney Atkins - Birthdate: March 28, 1969

Songs: "Cleaning This Gun (Come on in Boy)" (great daddy/daughter song), "If You're Going Through Hell", "These are My People", "Chasin' Girls", "Watchin' You", and "Someone to Share it With"
* Justin Moore

* Rodney Atkins - Birthdate: March 28, 1969

Songs: "Cleaning This Gun (Come on in Boy)" (great daddy/daughter song), "If You're Going Through Hell", "These are My People", "Chasin' Girls", "Watchin' You", and "Someone to Share it With"
* Justin Moore

Songs: "Small Town USA", "Backwoods" and "Back That Thing Up"
* Joshua Ryan aka "Jake" Owen - Birthdate: August 28, 1981

Songs: "Eight Second Ride", "Something About a Woman", "Startin' With Me", "Don't Think I Can't Love You" and "Yee Haw"
* Luke Bryan - Birthdate: July 17, 1976

Songs: "Do I", "All My Friends Say", "Country Man" and "We Rode in Trucks"
* Blake Shelton - Birthdate: June 18, 1976

Songs: "Hillbilly Bone", "Austin", "Some Beach", "She Wouldn't Be Gone" and "I'll Just Hold On"
* Josh Turner - Birthdate: November 20, 1977

Songs: "Firecracker", "Your Man", "Would You Go with Me", "Backwoods Boy" and " Why Don't We Just Dance"
* Billy Currington - November 19, 1973

Songs: "That's How Country Boys Roll", "Good Directions", "Must Be Doin' Something Right", "Little Bit of Everything", and "People Are Crazy"
* Kenneth (aka) Eric Church - Birthdate: May 3, 1977

Songs: "Love Your Love the Most", "Guys Like Me", "How 'bout You", "Hell on the Heart", "Sinners Like Me"
* Tim Mcgraw - Birthdate: May 1, 1967

Songs: "Let It Go", "Southern Voice", " If You're Reading This", "Nothin' to Die For", "I Like It, I Love It", "Something Like That", "It's Your Love", and "Don't Take The Girl"
* Brad Paisley - Birthdate: October 28, 1972

Songs: "American Saturday Night", "Start a Band", "Mud on The Tires", "Whiskey Lullaby", "Letter to Me", "I'm Still a Guy", "Ticks", "Online", and "Waitin' on a Woman"
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