Tuesday, September 29, 2009
A haunting past.
She's my EX boyfriends EX girlfriend right before me. She made my life hell, but yet I still befriended her, against every single voice of reason that told me not to. And not only did I befriend her, but we were friends a couple different times, even after we'd basically fight to the death. I can't even try to tell you everything she put me through.
I have a Twitter account and I drunkenly "tweeted" Friday night "im wearing a shirt that a pathletic excuse for a human being bought me cuz she tried to buy my friendship. shes a whore. oh & she smells" I didn't think anything of it, because well Twitter isn't popular in Akron yet, only like 3 or so people that I actually know have accounts. Well I come to find out today, she has a Twitter page also & she so happened to respond to my tweet. She said "your fat. you look like a dirty version of a sweaty pale nasty gorilla. your always going to be behind me. sweetheart your a follower k..." I went through a lot of emotions. First my heart dropped, I got them huge butterflies in my stomache that I get when I know I did something wrong. Then I felt upset, highly upset. This girl hit me below the belt. She didn't just call me fat, she gave me an actual visual of how disgusting I look. Then she said "you'll always be behind me." She's basically right. Unfortunally everyone in my life is from her life. My best friend was her best friend from highschool. My four best guy friends were her best guy friends from highschool. I stole her boyfriend of 2 years. I can only imagine what she says about me "its like you want to skin me alive and wear me as an outfit" as she so nicely put it in the past. Then she called me a follower & that hurt just as much. I don't like being referred to as a follower, I try my hardest to be who I want to be, not like someone else. Ughhh I can't believe I let her get to me. After I felt upset I started laughing because I realized if she saw my tweet that I did on the 27th & responded on the 28th that just goes to show you how much she STILL stalks me and how quick & eager she was to respond. I mean seriously, why does she feel the need to read my shit STILL, to this day?! My life has nothing to do with her or her life, and it's not like I live like the rich & famous? So then I got pissed and I wanted to retaliate soo bad but I ended up making my Twitter page private. That only lasted, oh I'd say not even 2 minutes. I made it public again, at least for now. I don't want to start yet another drama war, and give that drama queen the satisfaction that she's trying ever so much to get but I'm definetly not apologizing for what I said, in no way-shape or form.
As of right now I tweeted back "ohh i love it. i didnt know i was being watched ever so closely STILL. you would retaliate."
Monday, September 28, 2009
I can't believe I've gone so long without a toy to take out on weekends. I also didn't know how much energy it takes to ride something you literally jus sit on. My upper body is soo sore. I can't put on hoodies or pull up my pants without wanting to fall over from all the muscle tension. There was so many puddles to go through and even more trails to ride on. At one point Lauren & me decided we weren't muddy enough so we stood next to a puddle and waited for Nick to drive by us and splash us.
I can't wait to go again! I love going with lots of people, even if it's just one four-wheeler it's still an awesome time! :)
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Lying is not attractive.
I completly forgot about this term that describes this girl 100%.. she's a pathological liar. The Urbandictionary.com explains it the best; Somebody who lies to improve their self-image. A pathological liar is someone who often embellishes his or her stories in a way that he or she believes will impress people. It may be that a pathological liar is different from a normal liar in that a pathological liar believes the lie he or she is telling to be true—at least in public—and is "playing" the role. It is not clear, however, that this is the case. It could also be that pathological liars know precisely what they are doing. Making up stories and at the same time believing them is known as confabulation. The term "pathological liar" is not an official clinical diagnosis however psychiatrists may agree that pathological lying is often the result of a mental disorder or low self-esteem. Even though pathological lying is not recognized as a clinical disorder, legal court cases often require that you prove that the defendant is aware that he or she is lying. This proof is most important in cases of slander and/or liability. -Wikipedia
Friday, September 25, 2009
And the weekend begins..
Have a good weekend!
xo jennnner
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Live by it.
"The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you."
My name is Jennifer, but no one calls me that- everyone in my life calls me Jenner or Jenn. I'm too tall for heels, so I don't own any but I wish I could! I believe in natural beauty, not caking on the make-up "beauty". I'm the type of girl that loves hoodies, tee-shirts & sweat pants along with eyeliner, mascara, lipgloss & purses with matching wallets. I love all types of movies. Music is a HUGE passion & I like it alllll, seriously. My top fav's are rock/alternative rock, country & hiphop/r&b. I love being a sports fan, but I don't know my favorite athletes statistics for their whole career. I have a lead foot when I drive. I'm into cars, trucks & motorcycles. I know my way around an engine, I know how to hit a baseball, I can beat you in video games- but my toe-nails are always painted, my nails are 8 times outta 10 painted too. I can be "one of the guys" but I enjoy my girls nights where we veg out or eat whole pints of ben & jerrys while watching sappy love movies. I highlight my hair & whiten my teeth. I try my hardest not to judge someone, but I'm only human, it happens. I'm a very open person, I won't view your beliefs, thoughts, likes/dislikes as wrong, instead I'll try and see everything from your point of view. Country boys are a weakness of mine. I'm broke every week. I'll do anything for someone I truly care about. I'm a hopeless romantic. There's people in my past that I reallllly want to stay there. I don't like liars & two-faced people. I get that everyone lies, but there's some people out there that straight make up things or turn a situation inside out. I don't want to be two-faced, I don't want to be a liar and I realllly don't want to be labeled as a slut. Sorry if I disappoint anyone but all of that is the me I want to be, so take it or leave it.
Completly pointless survey.
Do you currently have feelings for anybody?.. feelings?- not so much, maybe a crush..or two.
Have you ever told someone you hated them and meant it?.. yes.
Think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on the ground?.. yes.
Has anything upset you in the last week?.. yes.
If you found out your best friend was smoking weed, would you be disappointed?.. ha umm no.
Where is your biological mother right now?.. in her bed.
Think of your last two kisses, were they with the same person?.. no.
When was the last time you went to the circus?.. fuck if i remember?
Do you ever think about stuff and start crying?.. not so much.
Anyone you're giving up on?.. not realllly.
What was the first cell phone you had?.. haha im thinkin some prepaid nokia?
Do you like to clean?..nope, my moms actually in the process of cleanin my room but i def didnt ask her to!
Last person you kissed calls you, what are they calling for?.. crap nowadays i wouldn't even be able to guess.
Do you ever think about the past?.. too often.
Are all of your friends virgins?.. not even close.
Would you be more likely to fail Science or Math?.. science i guess.
Do you currently like someone who doesn't know you exist?.. it happens.
If something was wrong, who is the first boy you would go to?.. nick jason or kenny.
Was the last place you kissed somewhere romantic?.. not so much.
Do you have any bruises?.. dont think so?
What would happen if you had a baby with the last person you kissed?.. uhh next question.
Anybody you're looking forward to seeing soon?.. yes yesss.
Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you that you're beautiful?.. yessir.
Last person to make you sad?.. customer at work.
Have you ever walked around your house pretending you were on cribs, talking to yourself?.. ha no, sounds like something jason would do.
Who was the last person that made you smile?.. nick or lauren.
Would you rather have long or short hair?.. long.
Have you kissed one person more than 20 times in 09?.. omg does it sadden me to say no to this question.
When someone says "we need to talk", what runs through your mind?.. "ahh fuck what i do?"
Has anyone ever told you they liked you in a really sweet way?.. aww yeah.
How long would your hair be if you cut 8 inches off?.. i dunno like a bob cut or whatever.
If I said "Mary Jane" would you know what that's code for?.. yeahh.
Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?.. there would be NO future for us.
Were you mad when you woke up this morning?.. no.
Are you under the influence of anything at the moment?.. nah.
Last thing that made you cry?.. hmm?
What does your last text say?.. "ha thats a big ass fish, but hes not bad lookin"
Do you REALLY love ALL your family?.. of course!
Has a boy/girl ever cheated on their boyfriend/girlfriend for you?.. oppppsies?
Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?.. nope, never could- never will.
How many cigarettes have you smoked today?.. zero. go me!
Are you one of those people who constantly check the time?.. nope.
If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?.. suure.
Who came over yesterday?.. ughh no one, i went out to funny stop with kim, shawn, shawns uncle, sunny, joy, jodie, daddy, donte & dontes girl.
If your best friend said they were running away, what would you say?.. "go buy a pack of budlight & come pick me up! ill run away with you."
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Trippin out yo!
Thank God for Nick living so close to me, he's seriously not even 30 seconds away.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Follow - Breaking Benjamin
I'm losing sight
Don't count on me
I chase the sun
It chases me
You know my name
You know my face
You'd know my heart
If you knew my place
I'll walk straight down
As far as I can go!
I'll follow you if you follow me
I don't know why you lie so clean
I'll break right through the irony
Enlighten me
Reveal my fate
Just cut these strings
That hold me safe
You know my head
You know my gaze
You'd know my heart
If you knew your place
I'll walk straight down
As far as I can go
Cure this wait
I hate this wait
Sunday, September 20, 2009
It's like one step forward & two steps back.
I got a random call from a certain someone. We talked for almost an hour, about the most random of things. He can still make me laugh constantly & smile ear to ear. FUCK
21 days to change a behavior was def interrupted this weekend :(
My new saying: "Ex's should remain in the past" Now if I could only get me to live by that.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Survey? Don't mind if I do.
Never in my life have I took it in the ass.
I hate it when I find out people are talking about me..especially when it's not true!
If you're going to talk smack about me, don't turn around and try to be my friend. Being fake is not a pretty trait.
The one person who can drive me nuts is this one girl, but I'm gonna be nice & not say any names.
When I'm nervous I talk alot, and I mean A LOT.. I basically don't shut up. Another nervous habit is to put my fingernails in my mouth like I'm going to bite them off, but I don't..weird I know.
The last song I listened to was Cruise Control - Mariah Carey
My hair is long, naturally wavy. It's also naturally dark dark blonde but highlighted blonde like whoa.
When I was 5 I moved outta Goodyear Heights & into Ellet.
My current annoyance is the taste in my mouth, Kaleigh gave me a Vitamin B pill so I could see what it does to my pee. We're friggin coo I know.
I have a hard time with self control when it comes to my cellular device when I'm highly intoxicated. Everyone in my phone book either gets a call or a text.
There's this girl I know that deserves the veryy best in the world when it comes to guys, but her past boyfriends have been complete losers..the newest prospect looks like he's a winner though & I'm overly excited for her!
If you visited the place I'm from you'd prolly be in a neighborhood close to your own, unless you start heading more towards downtown Akron, it gets a little ghetto.
Most recent thing someone else bought me was my down payment for my ATV.
In the morning it's impossible for me to say more than one word at a time, I can't function 100% until about 11am.
Last night I was teaching myself how to drive an ATV. I'm a beast at it yo!
If I was an animal I'd be a one of those birds that flys south for the winter.
Tomorrow I am going to get my hair done! I'm excited, I'm going to a new hair dresser, holla!
Part 2 Questions:
If the last person you kissed needs you at 3 AM, would you go?: Nah man.
Have you kissed anyone today?: No.
Has someone ever told you they want to spend the rest of their life with you?: Yes.
Have you ever punched a wall, door, etc?: Sure have.
Honestly, if you could go back 1 month and change something would you?: Yup.
How do you feel about girls smoking?: It's whatever. I don't care either way.
What was the first thing you thought when you woke up?: "Get up, you have to go to the bank before work." That didnt work out as planned.
Looking forward to anything? Sorta, basically excited to go fourwheelin this weekend thru some trails, bonfires, visiting Kelly at the bar she's working at, oh yeah gettin the fro did! :)
What was the highlight of your week? Buying an ATV for me & the broski!
When is the next time you will kiss someone? Your guess is as good as mine.
Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?: Nah.
What was the last thing you put in your mouth?: Water.
Are you slowly drifting away from someone? Hope not damnit.
Would you care if you saw the person you like kissing someone else? Ugh I would care, yup.
Who was the last person you gave your number to?: Jeremy Nixon.
Who do you talk to the most about your problems?: My ultimate bests.
Done anything illegal in the past month? Yess.. muhahaha.
Were you smiling when you woke up this morning?: Hecks nah.
Do you tend to fall for people easily?: I'd like to say no, but I really don't think thats the case. IDK?
If all your friends were going on a road trip, would you go? If it was on a weekend, yess sir.
When is the last time you got really frustrated?: Today. Hate work, hate, hate, haaate it.
Will this weekend be a good one?: Hope so.
Do you think you can last in a relationship for six months without cheating?: I know so.
What time did you wake up this morning?: 7:45am, hit the snooze button prolly 20 times didnt get outta bed til 8:50am.
Is anyone on your bad side now?: Yup. They'll NEVER be on my good side, ever again.
Do you like to cuddle?: For the most part, yupp.
Who was the last person you talked out loud to? Kaleigh.
What is your favorite color shirt to wear?: Black, Greys, Navy Blue.
What do you hear?: People talking to customers.
Who was the last person you talked to last night before bed? Lauren & Josh.
How's your heart? Well..it's healthy, but thats about it.
Do you do your own laundry?: Nope, sure don't.
Does the thought of marriage scare you?: With the right person, you won't be scared.
Part 3: Spontaneity:
If you could be one person in the world who would you be?: Myself.
Best movie quote?: Ughhh..?
If you had one day to spend $1 mill, how would you spend it?: Pay off all my debt, give some to the family, buy some things, possibly give some to charity.
If you knew you only had one day left to live, what would you tell people? I would make sure to tell the people that have proved to me that they need me just as much as I need them that I love them & to take shots at my funeral like an Irish funeral.
Do you think all of your dreams will come true?: I actually don't have many dreams, but I sure hope that the dreams that I do have will come true..sooner than later peeez!
One word to describe yourself?: Random.
Best candy in the world?: Resee's Cups.
Favorite TV Show?: Gossip Girl!
Favorite song at the moment?: Too many to pick just one..
Do you get bored easily? Extremly.
How did you do your hair for the day?: Pony with bangs.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Happy.
Favorite smell? Juicy Couture.
How many piercings do you have?: 4.
Best chips? Sour Cream & Onion.
Word that you hate: Generally.. it sounds like Jenner, it bugs me okay.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Every girl needs a toy ;)
There is a slight problem though, I don't know how to ride it.. not even the slightest bit. I waited for my dad to get home from work so he could take it off the truck and we played around with all the switches and stuff. It took us about 45 minutes to figure out how to put it into reverse. (There's a nob that clearly states "Reverse") Then I put it into 1st gear and drove it into my garage to park it. I bet my brother has been riding it all day, damn him! I can't wait to get off work and drive it around a little bit, but I'm even more excited for the weekend! I'm going to my friend Kim's house who has trails & such that her & her neighbors made for fourwheeling & dirt bikes. We'll prolly set up a bonfire too! Woohooo!
I've missed my work buddy that sits by me. I wasn't at work on Tuesday because I had stupid jury duty and she wasn't here Wednesday because she was sick. I missed her dangit! We got free milk shakes from Cold Stone Creamery today from our boss, don't really know why but I ain't complaining. I swear we're always working hard! Just look at Kaleigh:
I might be getting sick.. which will not mix well with my plans to go riding this weekend! :(
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Ziggy zoggy oi oi oi.
1. It is possible to be drunk before noon on a Sunday.
2. "If you have a dick you're doing a ziggy." I have no clue what a ziggy is but you say this saying three times fast: "ziggy zoggy, ziggy zoggy oi oi oi!" you get to chug your beer.
3. I saw not one, but three huge school bus looking things: one that had a football helment on the front, anothers front end was a dogs face complete with dog whiskers sticking out and the last one had big floppy ears.
4. I actually have awesome cornhole skills.. me & katie were undefeated today!
5. Four tiny bite-size donuts is not enough food to give you energy to walk up 10+ flights of stairs.
6. Even though the Cleveland Browns basically suck they have some amazing, crazy fans!
7. The term "tailgating" doesn't begin to describe what you actually do in a parking lot before a football game.
8. Its the norm to see grown men either half naked in tube tops & beer bellies or dressed in different colored zebra print MC Hammer pants on game day in Cleveland.
9. No one was able to answer my question: "What exactly is a Cleveland 'Brown'?"
10. Football games in person seem to go a looot faster than they do on tv.
11. You can get a citation for walking with a beer can in your hand, but its legal to stand next to a cop drinking beer from a plastic cup.
12. You get a full cardio workout walking from the parking lot to your seats, especially if you sit at the very tippy tip top of the football stadium.
13. Football games don't have vendors walking up & down the sections that sell hot dogs, cotton candy or peanuts. But the beer guy vendor dude never leaves your section.
14. People that dress up their dogs for a football game are viewed as badasses, but if I dressed up my dog on any other day I'm compared to Paris Hilton.
I learned all that at the Cleveland Browns season opener! I've never tailgated before in my life but I highly recommend it. It's definitely an experience & amazing time!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Stolen goods.
Spell your name with songs.
J: jump - flo rida
E: end of the summer - theory of a deadman
N: next to you - mike jones
N: not meant to be - theory of a deadman
E: every girl - young money ft lil wayne
R: realize - colbie caillat
– Name: jennifer lyn loren
– Birth date: 12-14-1985
– Nickname: jenner, jenners, jenn, jaybaby, jay, jlo, jenner boo..etc
– Eye Color: blueish grey
– Hair Color: blonde
– Zodiac Sign: sagittarius
– The shoes you wore today: white flippie floppies
– Your weaknesses: a boy in a truck or with a motorcycle
– Your fear(s): not becoming truely happy again
– Your perfect pizza: cheeeese & pepperonis
– Goal you’d like to achieve: lose 20 lbs so my mom will spend 500 on new clothes for me
– Your best physical feature: you tell me?
– Your bedtime? whenever my little eyes decide to close
– Most missed memory? gettin a smile on my face becuz i recieved a text message from that special someone
This Or That…
– Pepsi or Coke? pepsi
– McDonald’s or Burger King: micky d's
– Adidas or Nike: adidas
– Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: neither
– Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
– Cappuccino or coffee: neitherr
Do You…
– Smoke: when highly intoxicated.. but other than that no
– Curse: like a drunken sailor
– Sing: sometimes
– Dance: hardly ever
– Take a shower everyday: yeahh..but i dont wash the fro daily
– Have a crush: always
– Do you think you’ve been in love?: i know i have been
– Want to go to college: its not my cup of tea
– Like(d) high school: i hated school..but it wasnt toooo bad i guess
– Want to get married: sure
– Get motion sickness: not really
– Think you’re attractive: no
– Think you’re a health freak: im tryin to be now
– Get along with your parents: veryy much so
In the past month…
– Gone to the mall: actually..no
– Eaten an entire box of Oreos: never
– Eaten Sushi: never
– Been on stage: no
– Gone skating: no
– Made homemade cookies: nope
– Gone Skinny dipping: nope
– Stolen anything: nah
– Played a game that required removal of clothing: yessum
– If so, was it mixed company: mixed company? u mean like boys & girls..? yeahh
– Flashed anyone: my ex
– Been beaten up: hecks noo
– Shoplifted: yeahh.. when i was younger
– Age you hope to be married: use to be 22.. im passed that now opps
– Numbers of Children: 1 or 2
– Describe your Dream Wedding: destination! with white flowers & lots of lights & candles
– What country would you most like to visit? uhh alll over europe
In the opposite sex..
– Best eye color?: lighter colors, blue, greys, greens
– Best hair color?: brown
– Short hair or long hair?: love shaved heads!
– Height: anything over 6' is a weakness.. bein taller than me is a must
– Number of people I could trust with my life: 6 or 7
– Number of CDs that I own: not very many..i only have burned ones
– Number of tattoos: 1
– Number of piercings: 4
Personal Quiz
Who were you with yesterday? kelly.. then kelly jason & his friend
What woke you up this morning? myself..
Where are you? at the parentals
Is tomorrow going to be a good day? i sure hope so! goin to the browns game yo!
Do you like anybody? sure i like tons of people
Ever thrown up in public? it happens
Passed out because of alcohol? yes
What’s on your mind RIGHT NOW? i wonder where my sports bra is
What kind of home would you like? ehh all i care about is having a huuge front porch
What do you want to be when you grow up? ill let you know
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? hopefully married or with someone that im basically married to
Do you like candy necklaces? love em
When was the last time you fell over or ran into something? daily basis.. i always say "excuse me" even if its a wall.. weird habit
Do you listen to music every day? yessum
Do you still go trick or treating? noope
What was the last thing you ate? waffles!
Are you a fast typer? yesss..very fast
Whats your favorite type of soda? pepsi
Have you ever moved? few times
Have you ever won an award? yeah
Are you listening to music right now? no
How long ’till your birthday? 3 months
When were you the saddest in your whole life? november of last year
What time is it? 4:49pm
Do you use ebay to buy or sell? both.. i buy a lot more tho
Who makes you mad? it doesnt take much to make me mad..no matter who u are
Have you ever heard a song written about you? yeah
Something you want to happen in 2009? ehhh.. lose weight, do something different with my hair, have a good birthday
Summer 2009? what about it? its basically over
Honestly, do you miss 2008? i miss what i had in 2008
– What color is your underwear? pink & black
– Whats on your mind? already gone over this
– What are you doing right now? this survey..duh
– Have you done something bad today? nooope
– Who is the last person you talked to on the phone? the mother
– Are you jealous of someone right now? its not so much of a jealous feeling, its a whoa i need to get my game face on so i can have the same thing
– What makes you mad most of the time? ppl that seriously lie to lie, twofaced girls..etc
– Do you bite your nails? it looks like i am..but i dont actually bite them
– Have you had an eating disorder? no
– Do you want to see someone this very moment? yes
– Are you keeping a big secret now? yesss sir
– Do you have a friend you don’t actually like? noo
– Are you in denial? no
– Do you get up in the middle of the night and eat? noo never
– Do you like anyone? didnt you already ask me that?
– Does anyone like you? doubtful
1. What do you do when you’re mad? get realll quiet or go crazy
2. What’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad? started throwin punches
3. Ever made anyone cry when you were mad? damnit. yeah
4. Do you swear when you’re mad? every other word
1. When was the last time you actually cried? umm couple weeks
2. Ever cried yourself to sleep? yeah
3. Do certain songs make you cry? yes
4. What usually makes you cry? babies, weddings.. its whatever
1. Are you usually a happy person? sure try to be!
2. What makes you the happiest? knowing i have amazing people in my life to get me thru each day
3. Do you believe in yourself? i do now
4. When people say they think you are good looking/pretty, do you get happy? well duhh.