All color shades of blue. Navy blue, teal, light blue, royal blue.. you get the picture. :)
Friday, April 30, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Random Tuesday Day Off.

So I have the option to go fourwheeling on Friday down in Wellsville. I've heard only good things about that place. I should go, have a good time. But I don't really know any of the people going. I can't figure out what I want to do..
Monday, April 26, 2010
What is your favorite past time?
Hmm.. I guess watching movies, spending time with my friendlys, drinking beer or bloggin & tweetin it up.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
What is the most important trait for a significant other? :)
Sense of humor, fa sho! I'm a sucker for someone that makes me laugh. The smartass dorks are the best. :)
Ask me anything.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Guess what?!

I pulled the short straw & get to drive my parents to the Airport.. but I have no real complaints. Now I get to drive my mom's SUV all week, with the top back!! :)

It's seriously the littlest things that make me a happy girl, and I wouldn't have it any other way!
Fill in the Blank Friday!

1. One song that always takes me back to my youth is ... TNT by AC/DC & We Will Rock You by Queen, my dad would sing every word in the AC/DC & Queen songs.. and I danced in my parents bedroom with my mom to Mony Mony by Billy Idol.. haha don't judge.
2. My first concert ever was .. Shawnia Twain at Blossom in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.
3. If I could create my dream music festival I'd want these bands to be there: Bayside. Taylor Swift. Mudvayne. Nickelback. Relient K. Yellowcard. Lil Wayne. Gucci
4. The best make-out/"boot knocking" song ever is .. Bahahaha ummm Want it, Need it - Plies? I don't really have a good answer..
5. The best concert I've ever been to was .. Ughh it's a tie between Lil Wayne & Dierks Bentley/Brad Paisley.
6. A memorable musical moment for me was .. Going to Blossom for the Shawnia Twain concert with my mom, her best friend Elaine & her kids. It was a different type of an atmosphere, let alone the first concert I'd ever been too. I just remember thinking to myself.. "Man I can't wait to get older so I can stand outside with a beer in my hand at a concert." But now they're basically $20 for a brewski.. way to ruin a kids dream Blossom!
7. The song on my iPod that's getting the most play these days is .. Anything by Bayside & Ke$ha.. and Beamer, Bentz or Bentley gets played - a LOT! Haha.
Link-UP! ----> the little things we do
Sunday, April 18, 2010
The greatest love story ever told, is your own.

Release Date: May 14th, 2010
Rated: PG
Letters To Juliet - Story Line:
When a young American, Sophie (Amanda Seyfried), travels to Verona, Italy - the city of love and home of star-crossed lovers Romeo & Juliet - she meets a group of volunteers who responds to letters written to Juliet seeking advice about love. After answering one lost, 50-year-old letter, she inspires its author (Vanessa Redgrave) to travel to Italy and embark on a journey to search for her long-lost love. This sets off a chain of events that brings a love into both their lives unlike anything they ever imagined, and gives Sophie the courage to discover herself and follow her heart.

May 14th, can you come any faster?
What are you living for?
Here's a few things that I live for.
If you think of something.. comment to add it to the list. ;)
* laughing until your stomach can't take it anymore
* unexpected surprises
* random drives around your neighborhood
* amish country
* the feeling when you're 100% happy with your life
* boating
* the smell before, during & after it rains
* the springtime wind
* summer time sunshine
* sand between your toes
* how hard it can be to walk thru sand
* family cook outs
* silly picture photo shoots
* wild flowers
* good morning & sweet dream texts from .. him
* summer strawberries & watermelons
* homemade goodies
* chandelier earrings
* aviator mirror sunglasses
* having a day just to myself
* freshly cut green grass
* matching scarves & beanie hats
* cardigans
* kisses in night time rain drops
* photography
* sittin on the rooftop, counting stars
* laughing with my brother
* post cards from all over the world & unique stamps
* grandparents
* for long drives that lead no where
* compliments
* ice cream
* seeing lightning bugs in open fields
* people watching
* for the future love of my life
* picnics
* newborn babies
* smiles from strangers
* that moment where he makes you smile for just being him
* sleeping with my window open on a windy night
* falling asleep to the sound of rain drops & thunder
* love story movies
* hearing the words "i love you," whether from a best friend, parent, sibling, boyfriend/girlfriend, whoever!
* feeling gorgeous
* christmas time
* sunsets & sunrises
* spring/summer days with a light wind, sittin on my front porch swing
* hot cocoa by the fire
* fall time bonfires
* country music, cowboy hats & boots.. but most importantly.. cowboys<3
* for the nights you want to never end
* God
* drunken night outs with the best
* true friendship & quiet nights in
* Gilmore Girls, Friends, The OC, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Charmed
* my old teddy bears
* manicures & pedicures
* fall trips to the pumpkin patches
* recieving a true, sincere apology
* dimples
* sarcasm
* forehead & tip of the nose kisses
* gossip
* comforters & lots of pillows
* the feeling of freshly shaved legs on silky sheets
* tanning
* baby puppies & kitties
* guys driving trucks
* variety in life
* NYC, Cali, East Coast, Canada, Europe, Eygpt, Asia.. etc
* living up & beyond your own expectations
* every time of the day you can make a "wish"
* missed calls
* gerbera daises
* having extra money to blow on something little
* for old couples still in love
* history
* for following my heart
* being brave
* unlimited texting
* the burning feeling after working out
* old friends
* knowing you're not alone
* anxiety
* chocolate milk
* water rides
* for people who give more than they take
* warm towels or clothes right out of the dryer
* cookin hot dogs and s'mores over a bonfire
* camping
* smirks
* my favorite pair of jeans
* helping someone
* dippin' dots
* for moments you realize how blessed you are
* long hugs
* contagious laughter
* for sleeping late, and then making pancakes
* notes from my boyfriend on my car
* 110% trusting someone
* blogging
* for the reality that everyday is a gift
* waking up early and staying up late
* for the beauty and love that others exude
* random cd mixes
* travelling
* discovering new things to fall in love with
* listening to other peoples' reasons to live
* for loving and living and laughing and smiling and then waking up and doing it all over again
If you think of something.. comment to add it to the list. ;)
* laughing until your stomach can't take it anymore
* unexpected surprises
* random drives around your neighborhood
* amish country
* the feeling when you're 100% happy with your life
* boating
* the smell before, during & after it rains
* the springtime wind
* summer time sunshine
* sand between your toes
* how hard it can be to walk thru sand
* family cook outs
* silly picture photo shoots
* wild flowers
* good morning & sweet dream texts from .. him
* summer strawberries & watermelons
* homemade goodies
* chandelier earrings
* aviator mirror sunglasses
* having a day just to myself
* freshly cut green grass
* matching scarves & beanie hats
* cardigans
* kisses in night time rain drops
* photography
* sittin on the rooftop, counting stars
* laughing with my brother
* post cards from all over the world & unique stamps
* grandparents
* for long drives that lead no where
* compliments
* ice cream
* seeing lightning bugs in open fields
* people watching
* for the future love of my life
* picnics
* newborn babies
* smiles from strangers
* that moment where he makes you smile for just being him
* sleeping with my window open on a windy night
* falling asleep to the sound of rain drops & thunder
* love story movies
* hearing the words "i love you," whether from a best friend, parent, sibling, boyfriend/girlfriend, whoever!
* feeling gorgeous
* christmas time
* sunsets & sunrises
* spring/summer days with a light wind, sittin on my front porch swing
* hot cocoa by the fire
* fall time bonfires
* country music, cowboy hats & boots.. but most importantly.. cowboys<3
* for the nights you want to never end
* God
* drunken night outs with the best
* true friendship & quiet nights in
* Gilmore Girls, Friends, The OC, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Charmed
* my old teddy bears
* manicures & pedicures
* fall trips to the pumpkin patches
* recieving a true, sincere apology
* dimples
* sarcasm
* forehead & tip of the nose kisses
* gossip
* comforters & lots of pillows
* the feeling of freshly shaved legs on silky sheets
* tanning
* baby puppies & kitties
* guys driving trucks
* variety in life
* NYC, Cali, East Coast, Canada, Europe, Eygpt, Asia.. etc
* living up & beyond your own expectations
* every time of the day you can make a "wish"
* missed calls
* gerbera daises
* having extra money to blow on something little
* for old couples still in love
* history
* for following my heart
* being brave
* unlimited texting
* the burning feeling after working out
* old friends
* knowing you're not alone
* anxiety
* chocolate milk
* water rides
* for people who give more than they take
* warm towels or clothes right out of the dryer
* cookin hot dogs and s'mores over a bonfire
* camping
* smirks
* my favorite pair of jeans
* helping someone
* dippin' dots
* for moments you realize how blessed you are
* long hugs
* contagious laughter
* for sleeping late, and then making pancakes
* notes from my boyfriend on my car
* 110% trusting someone
* blogging
* for the reality that everyday is a gift
* waking up early and staying up late
* for the beauty and love that others exude
* random cd mixes
* travelling
* discovering new things to fall in love with
* listening to other peoples' reasons to live
* for loving and living and laughing and smiling and then waking up and doing it all over again
Here's to everything, coming down to nothing.
I absolutely LOVE this page!
All pictures were found here --> You've got a face for a smile, you know.

Thursday, April 15, 2010
Thirsty Thursday!
Alright so today is probably just one of those days. Ya know, when nothing seems to be going right. Everything is against you. You don't feel good & everything & everyone seems to be annoying you.. Yeah it's one of THOSE days. I swear everyone that looks at me, glares & shoots me a dirty look. I've been asked numerous of times if I'm okay. Rob even stopped dead in his tracks and asked if I was sad, he said that I looked like I was about to give him a pouty face.
BUT.. on a brighter note I get to see my Kim Possible today! And it's Thirsty Thursday! Shawn (aka Boyfriend!) Sunny & myself are meeting up with Kim at the Brubakers on Steels Corners today after work for some brewskis! When Kim worked with us, every Thursday after work was crazzzzy. We'd take the last 20 minutes of our work day to prime & primp ourselves for a night out. It was $1 beers til 9 oclock at Bru's. Once 9pm hit, we all would go our separate ways. I usually went downtown for even more Thirsty Thursday celebrations! Hopefully we get a couple more people to stop out! :)
I haven't had a Thirsty Thursdays night out in a LONG time! I'm ECSATIC to see Kim & even more excited cuz after Bru's I'm going out for my friend, Emil's birthday. Shits gon' get crazzy, baby!
P.S. I took the day off tomorrow (Friday) because 1. I don't feel good today, and 2. Just in case tonight is too much.. Haha. But that doesn't necessarily mean I'll actually take the day off. I prolly wont, but maybe I will.. I don't know- I'm still indecisive about it?
BUT.. on a brighter note I get to see my Kim Possible today! And it's Thirsty Thursday! Shawn (aka Boyfriend!) Sunny & myself are meeting up with Kim at the Brubakers on Steels Corners today after work for some brewskis! When Kim worked with us, every Thursday after work was crazzzzy. We'd take the last 20 minutes of our work day to prime & primp ourselves for a night out. It was $1 beers til 9 oclock at Bru's. Once 9pm hit, we all would go our separate ways. I usually went downtown for even more Thirsty Thursday celebrations! Hopefully we get a couple more people to stop out! :)
I haven't had a Thirsty Thursdays night out in a LONG time! I'm ECSATIC to see Kim & even more excited cuz after Bru's I'm going out for my friend, Emil's birthday. Shits gon' get crazzy, baby!
P.S. I took the day off tomorrow (Friday) because 1. I don't feel good today, and 2. Just in case tonight is too much.. Haha. But that doesn't necessarily mean I'll actually take the day off. I prolly wont, but maybe I will.. I don't know- I'm still indecisive about it?
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Sex & the City 2 - Trailer #2!
39 more days!
I love Sex & the City! All the old episodes, inside jokes, the single night scenes, all the drama-filled life choices they make, the fact that it's filmed in NYC. The clothes, the fashion, the SHOES, the hair styles.. ahhh all the different love stories! Carrie Bradshaw has some AMAZING advice. I love how both movies take them half way across the world on vacations with their best friends. I cannot wait for this movie to come out!
Frequent Flyers.
Hey! I just wanted to take about .2 seconds of your time, to say HI and ask if you're stoppin by to jus comment, say whats up! I've been noticing a lot of views from Akron, Canton, Cuyahoga Falls.. and I dunno who you are? It'd be great to hear from you! :)
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Changes come around real soon, make us women and men.
"If you're nice to someone that you know for a FACT is fake, does that make you fake too?"
I'm a genuinely nice person, obviously I'm WAY too nice. I open my heart to people who I think truly care, truly want to help, truly want to listen to what I have to say, about me & my life. But I should know better by now! People are lying, conniving, manipulative pricks! They only care about themselves. I'm so done being the nice person. DONE! It's not worth it when people talk about you behind your back & judge you for everything you do & say.
Word to the wise: Be YOU! Be REAL! Hold nothing back. If someone doesn't like you for being REAL, then they have insecurities that they NEED to work on. So give them the time to sort themselves out. No one needs someone in their life that is fake. It just opens up way too many doors that should remain nailed SHUT!
Scratch that. *AGAIN!
Okay, so I'm a little bit of an idiot and thought Chiefy's birthday party was this weekend, when it's really next weekend. Makes things a lot easier on me, because now I don't have to juggle two birthday celebrations in one night. Score 1 for Jenner! I also updated a few birthdays, actually deleted the people that really don't need to be included here ;) I'll add everything that's going on in June & July sometime soooon.
Wednesday 7th :: Date with my niece Noelle :)
Thursday 8th :: Daddy visits me at work for lunch!
Thursday 8th :: Chiefy's bday celebration downtown Akron.
Friday 9th :: Chiefy's actual birthday (23)
Saturday 10th :: Goin out for Nick's bday celebration.
Sunday 11th :: Nick's actual bday (24!) maybe I'll have cornhole & a cookout at the crib?
Wednesday 14th :: Amber, my cousins birthday (14!)
Thursday 15th :: Emil's bday celebration downtown Akron.
Friday 16th :: Emil's (22) & Margo's (21!) actual birthday's.
Saturday 17th :: Chiefy's Surprise party at Mackey's!
Thursday 8th :: Chiefy's bday celebration downtown Akron.
Friday 9th :: Chiefy's actual birthday (23)
Saturday 10th :: Goin out for Nick's bday celebration.
Sunday 11th :: Nick's actual bday (24!) maybe I'll have cornhole & a cookout at the crib?
Wednesday 14th :: Amber, my cousins birthday (14!)
Thursday 15th :: Emil's bday celebration downtown Akron.
Friday 16th :: Emil's (22) & Margo's (21!) actual birthday's.
Saturday 17th :: Chiefy's Surprise party at Mackey's!
Wednesday 21st :: Holly/Chris Baby Shower at work.
Sunday 25th :: House to myself until May 2nd, ooooo ya! :)
* MAY *
Wednesday 5th :: Cinco De Mayo :)
Wednesday 5th :: Broski's birthday! (22)
Thursday 6th :: KALEIGH'S BIRTHDAY! (23) ow oww :)
Sunday 9th :: Mother's Day!
Monday 11th :: Jen's birthday!
Friday 25th :: King's birthday (23)
Monday 24th & Friday 28th :: Awwe Meduri bdays! Matt (24) & Jeremy (22)
Saturday 29th :: Huddy's birthday (23)
Sunday 25th :: House to myself until May 2nd, ooooo ya! :)
* MAY *
Wednesday 5th :: Cinco De Mayo :)
Wednesday 5th :: Broski's birthday! (22)
Thursday 6th :: KALEIGH'S BIRTHDAY! (23) ow oww :)
Sunday 9th :: Mother's Day!
Monday 11th :: Jen's birthday!
Friday 25th :: King's birthday (23)
Monday 24th & Friday 28th :: Awwe Meduri bdays! Matt (24) & Jeremy (22)
Saturday 29th :: Huddy's birthday (23)
Just Because..
Honestly, who are you texting?
Crap! I don't know where my cell phone is.
How many people are you interested in?
Ahahaha.. I don't even know :/
Do you get frustrated quickly?
Who was the last person you talked to last night before bed?
No one of huge importance.
Would you consider your parents to be strict?
Maybe when I was in highschool, but because of that I'm not into drugs & I'm a responsible woman.
Do you cross your legs when you sit?
Hardly ever.
Who gets on your nerves the most?
Haha, people at work.. fa sho!
Would you name a child after you?
Have you hugged anyone in the last 72 hours?
Boyfriend! How I missed him.
Does anyone call you baby?
If you had to get a piercing right now, what would it be?
Lower lip.
Your ex calls you and asks you back out, you say?
"Wasn't basically 5 years of me enough?" Haha. He wouldn't call me to ask me that anyways.
What are your plans for this weekend?
Birthday celebrations, like whoaaa! I get paid & I'm gonna be broke jus as quick.. lovely.
Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
I do!
Did you do something mean to someone today?
Sure hope not.
What is something you need to go shopping for?
Nick's birthday presents & a gift for Holly's & Chris' Baby shower at work.
Do you have any pets?
1 kitty named Bubba. But there's 2 dogs & 2 other cats in this household that are not mine.
Are you happy today?
Do you think things will change in the next few months?
I sure the hell hope so!
Do you know a guy named Sam?
I'm sure I do.. I think?
Who is your best girl friend?
Katie, Lauren, Kelly & Kaleigh
Who is your best guy friend?
Nick, Kenny, Danny, Jason & Shawn
Where would you like to live other than where you are?
San Fran, Cali.. Dublin, Ireland.
Have you ever liked someone older then you?
Who did you last get into a big argument with?
I don't argue with people.
Would you ever marry anyone for their money?
I can't even stand talking to someone more than 2 minutes if I'm not interested in them.. I highly doubt I'll be able to marry someone for only their money.
Did any particular thing brighten up your day today?
Seeing my niece Noelle smile at me made my day!
Do you know anyone that's been in jail?
Is there anyone of the opposite sex that means something to you?
If you could say something to someone right now, what would it be?
What can I do to make you look at me the way I look at you?
Crap! I don't know where my cell phone is.
How many people are you interested in?
Ahahaha.. I don't even know :/
Do you get frustrated quickly?
Who was the last person you talked to last night before bed?
No one of huge importance.
Would you consider your parents to be strict?
Maybe when I was in highschool, but because of that I'm not into drugs & I'm a responsible woman.
Do you cross your legs when you sit?
Hardly ever.
Who gets on your nerves the most?
Haha, people at work.. fa sho!
Would you name a child after you?
Have you hugged anyone in the last 72 hours?
Boyfriend! How I missed him.
Does anyone call you baby?
If you had to get a piercing right now, what would it be?
Lower lip.
Your ex calls you and asks you back out, you say?
"Wasn't basically 5 years of me enough?" Haha. He wouldn't call me to ask me that anyways.
What are your plans for this weekend?
Birthday celebrations, like whoaaa! I get paid & I'm gonna be broke jus as quick.. lovely.
Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
I do!
Did you do something mean to someone today?
Sure hope not.
What is something you need to go shopping for?
Nick's birthday presents & a gift for Holly's & Chris' Baby shower at work.
Do you have any pets?
1 kitty named Bubba. But there's 2 dogs & 2 other cats in this household that are not mine.
Are you happy today?
Do you think things will change in the next few months?
I sure the hell hope so!
Do you know a guy named Sam?
I'm sure I do.. I think?
Who is your best girl friend?
Katie, Lauren, Kelly & Kaleigh
Who is your best guy friend?
Nick, Kenny, Danny, Jason & Shawn
Where would you like to live other than where you are?
San Fran, Cali.. Dublin, Ireland.
Have you ever liked someone older then you?
Who did you last get into a big argument with?
I don't argue with people.
Would you ever marry anyone for their money?
I can't even stand talking to someone more than 2 minutes if I'm not interested in them.. I highly doubt I'll be able to marry someone for only their money.
Did any particular thing brighten up your day today?
Seeing my niece Noelle smile at me made my day!
Do you know anyone that's been in jail?
Is there anyone of the opposite sex that means something to you?
If you could say something to someone right now, what would it be?
What can I do to make you look at me the way I look at you?
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Holy Birthdays, Batman!
Spring is here! :) That means I can pull out my four-wheeler & consume my weekends with cook outs, cornhole, beer pong outside, riding the four wheeler & bonfires. Ahh.. can't wait! This time of year things start to get crazy! I have SO many birthdays coming up.. majority friends, but lots of family members too. Both my Grandma's are in April & May but I forget the exact days. :/ Here's a quick run down, trust me.. you'll agree with me that the next couple months things are gonna get CRAZY busy!
Thursday 8th :: Chiefy's bday celebration downtown Akron
Friday 9th :: Chiefy's actual birthday (23)
Saturday 10th :: Goin out for Nick's bday celebration & Chiefy's party at Mackeys
Sunday 11th :: Nick's actual bday (24!) maybe i'll have cornhole & a cookout at the crib?
Wednesday 14th :: Amber, my cousins birthday (14!)
Thursday 15th :: Emil's bday celebration downtown Akron
Friday 16th :: Emil's (22) & Margo's (21!) actual birthday's
Wednesday 21st :: Holly/Chris Baby Shower at work
Friday 23rd :: Holly's birthday (25!!)
Sunday 25th :: House to myself til May 2nd, ooooo ya! :)
* MAY *
Wednesday 5th :: Cinco De Mayo :)
Wednesday 5th :: Broski's birthday! (22)
Thursday 6th :: KALEIGH'S BIRTHDAY! (23) ow oww :)
Sunday 9th :: Mother's Day!
Monday 10th :: Jackie (17), Izzle (24), Stephy (23) & Goda's (24) birthdays
Monday 11th :: Jen's birthday!
Saturday 15th :: Ryan's birthday (25!)
Friday 25th :: King's birthday (23)
Monday 24th & Friday 28th :: Awwe Meduri bdays! Matt (24) & Jeremy (22)
Saturday 29th :: Huddy's birthday (23)
Monday 31st :: Chris' birthday (21!)
I'll stop at the end of May for now, but June starts the summer months.. holy moly, when did that happen!? This year is going by too quick!!!
Thursday 8th :: Chiefy's bday celebration downtown Akron
Friday 9th :: Chiefy's actual birthday (23)
Saturday 10th :: Goin out for Nick's bday celebration & Chiefy's party at Mackeys
Sunday 11th :: Nick's actual bday (24!) maybe i'll have cornhole & a cookout at the crib?
Wednesday 14th :: Amber, my cousins birthday (14!)
Thursday 15th :: Emil's bday celebration downtown Akron
Friday 16th :: Emil's (22) & Margo's (21!) actual birthday's
Wednesday 21st :: Holly/Chris Baby Shower at work
Friday 23rd :: Holly's birthday (25!!)
Sunday 25th :: House to myself til May 2nd, ooooo ya! :)
* MAY *
Wednesday 5th :: Cinco De Mayo :)
Wednesday 5th :: Broski's birthday! (22)
Thursday 6th :: KALEIGH'S BIRTHDAY! (23) ow oww :)
Sunday 9th :: Mother's Day!
Monday 10th :: Jackie (17), Izzle (24), Stephy (23) & Goda's (24) birthdays
Monday 11th :: Jen's birthday!
Saturday 15th :: Ryan's birthday (25!)
Friday 25th :: King's birthday (23)
Monday 24th & Friday 28th :: Awwe Meduri bdays! Matt (24) & Jeremy (22)
Saturday 29th :: Huddy's birthday (23)
Monday 31st :: Chris' birthday (21!)
I'll stop at the end of May for now, but June starts the summer months.. holy moly, when did that happen!? This year is going by too quick!!!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Happy Easter!

Don't forget what today is all about!
My Easter plans:
My dad and I were going to cook an Easter dinner for the whole family, but he got called into work for overtime today. I coulda cooked dinner! But everyone just decided that going out to dinner when he gets home would be the easiest. He gets off at 3, I'm not sure where we're going but at least I get to see the family, haven't seen them in a while!
My parents gave me and my brother an Easter basket! I guess we're still young enough. :) I got a new purse with a matching wallet & a few other things.. along with all the normal Easter type candies!
I hope your Easter day is fabulous!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Touching. :)
Check out the blog post I just saw that my best friend Lauren Nicole wrote about me!
I love her!
killer words from a queen
Check out the blog post I just saw that my best friend Lauren Nicole wrote about me!
I love her!
killer words from a queen
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