Surprisingly I still remember a lot of vivid details about my dream from last night. So let me break it down for you. The first part of my dream starts out with me & a friend driving on dirt roads in the country side, looking for my house. Now the friend I'm with is faceless to me, I don't recongize the person but I'm okay with that. It's like I've known them my whole life. Then boom I'm no longer driving, instead I'm in this huge dining room type room the size of a hall. The ceilings are extremely similar to the Sistine Chapel. The whole room is like that, I remember walking through looking at everything, all the details in the walls, supporting poles & ceiling. How high the ceilings were, how much detail was in the art work, the colors were bright but you could tell that it still that look that it's 1000 years old. Someone else was in there. I don't remember seeing them, I just remember knowing that there was someone else in the room & that we were talking to each other.. for some reason my mind was telling me that it could of been my mom.
The next parts are kind of blurry now, but somehow I was now in a living room laying in a pull out couch bed with Vinny from Jersey Shore. There was other people in the living room as well, but I couldn't tell you who exactly. We were all playing card games. After a few games every one left but Vinny, he stayed the night. We woke up the next morning & just lounged around being lazy. Couldn't tell you the stuff we talked about though. Then later in the night a few of my friends came over. The only person I can actually make out is my friend Nick. Every one else are just faceless blurs. Me, Nick & Vinny were standing in the living room where the pull out couch is & we're just talking away when a group of people walk through & there's a lady talking. She's telling every one history facts about the house & I realized that it's a tour to my house. Once they walked out of the room, me & Nick decided it'd be funny to try & scare them. Vinny left at this point (& unfortunately never comes back in my dream.)
So me and Nick run through an old fashioned kitchen. And when I say old fashioned, I mean old stoves that you could only find in a plantation house in Alabama in the 1800s. Just like the one pictured below.

Now if any of that isn't weird already, the ending of my dream is the kicker. Remember that glowing coffin in the attic? Well when I jumped back throught the gooey mirror, the coffin was no longer glowing. The lid was half on, half off & I could see inside the coffin.. it was empty. The rest of the dream is pretty blurry, everything happened so fast. After I realized the coffin was empty I was suddenly in a frantic panic & started running around the house. I went from the attic to the basement where I was looking out a basement, block window & saw the "creature" that was hunting me. He looked like a cross of the warewolves from the Underworld movies & the Army of Anubis from The Mummy Returns, fully equipped with the axe/sword thing. After I saw the "creature" I woke up, got ready for work & ran out the door. And I can still remember that dream, even weeks after it happened. (This blog took about 2 weeks to successfully write out.) Below are pictures from the 2 movies that my "creature" looked like. He seriously looked just like the warewolf from the Underworld movies, but had all of the army gear & weapons that the warrior from the Army of Anubis in the Mummy Return. Check out the below pictures.