Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Dear John errr I mean "friends."

“Why did you delete your Facebook?”

Because I’m tired of reading the statuses about how Facebook is gonna start charging if you don't put this as your status for a full 24 hours, repost this if you’re a good mother/daughter/friend/etc, it’s too cold, it’s too hott, omg it’s raining, Monday already?, its been a bad day, I'm at work then lunch then beers, go "lebron backstabber james." I’m tired of reading incomplete thoughts “So I bought a new cell phone.” “I’m so pissed off!” "I give up." I read enough of all that on Twitter already.

And lastly, I’m done having a social networking site to keep in touch with “friends.” If you really were my friend, you’d know that I use twitter daily, that I check into foursquare.. I have a Tumblr & this blog.. And shockingly I have a cell phone that accepts incoming calls & text messages.

My life is being consumed with Facebook and Twitter. So I decided that Facebook drew the short straw & I deactivated my account. I kept Twitter cuz it's a release for my thoughts & actions through out the day. And I still have tumblr :)

Change comes faster than the seasons.

I dont open up to things and/or people because they never stay in my life the way they came into it.

And right now I'm in another transition, by myself. Again.

I hate change.

Does a picture say 1000 words?

Tonight, my ex sent me a picture of his kid. But no description, no text before or after.. just a picture of his kid in a huge ass truck tire. It was a really cute picture, I'll give him that. But when I'm NICE and respond "that's a great picture, you should print it out & frame it, it's cutesy." and he STILL doesnt say anything back?! What's the damn point behind that? All I did was text him earlier to ask him what Cherry Bombs are (when it comes to trucks & exhausts, which he told me makes the exhaust sound louder) but WHY send me that picture 4 hours after the fact? Was it by mistake? I highly doubt that. Was it to rub in my face that he has a kid, which he named MY name I picked out for OUR future son? I don't think so. Was it because he's a proud father? It's probably that one. But why, send it to ME? And why couldn't I respond with a smart ass response like "I'm sorry, you must have me confused with someone that cares about your life." And lastly, why am I laying here in bed unable to fall asleep.

With each day that goes by I forget something else about my past. I've buried it so deep that I don't think I'll ever remember anything from a few years ago. Even the good memories. I wish I had new, better memories to replace the old ones with.. but I don't.

I'm the most weak, way too nice & the biggest push over around.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


I've recently jailbreaked my iPhone4! It's the most easiest, yet complicated process I've ever come across of with technology. Installing the "app" that allows me to jail break my phone is the easiest thing ever. However, customizing it to my likings is the tricky part. All I wanted it for was to change my fonts & icons. I don't care to do anything else. There's "apps" in there to hide incoming texts, phone calls & pictures.. you can change your ID name/number to show up differently on someone elses phone, get free itunes, etc. You get the jist of it. I added some pictures to this post so you could see what my iPhone looks like. I wubb it! xoxo

My homescreen!

Twitter! ;)



Text Messages :)

Ryan Gosling, The Red HOT Ruffian!

Alright, so I have this slight obsession when it comes to Ryan Gosling these days. And I totally blame the movie "Crazy, Stupid, Love." Have you seen it?! You should! Boy is mighty fine, and the movies cute too! Plus I have a major girl crush on Emma Stone. She's probably the only red head that makes me feel all warm & tingly inside. Haha okay, down to bidness.. I came across this story on PerezHilton.com and I just had to share it with the rest of the world! Enjoy that ganster yumminess.

Have mercy!!!

Our hands are up! Where's Ryan Gosling's pistol at?! (Mmmm!!!)

Ryan was spotted on the set of his new movie yesterday, The Gangster Squad. In the flick, he plays a cop in the 1940s trying to track down and nab notorious mob boss Mickey Cohen, who will be played by Sean Penn. In case you were wondering, Emma Stone gets to tap that again as his love interest.

Some girls have all the luck!!!

[ image via famepictures / perezhilton.com ]