When's the last time you screamed really loud?
Umm.. couldnt tell ya?
Where do you want to live when you are older?
Ahhh.. NYC, San Fransico, somewhere in NC or Nashville.
When was the last time you were sick?
At this exact moment :/ Arrgh.
Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?
What is the relationship between you and the last person you kissed?
Jus friends, he always wants a kiss on his cheek from me?
Are all of your friends in relationships?
Pretty much yeah, freakin sucks on my end.
Name something you disliked about the day you had today?
My day is just starting, sooo the fact that I had to wake up at 7am on a Saturday pretty much nails it.
How long was your last phone conversation?
I dunno, like 5 minutes? That's pretty long actually lol
Why did you last laugh really hard?
This morning. Kelly's freakin hilarious
Have you had your birthday this year yet?
Nope, but it's basically a whoooole year away!
Can you recite the alphabet backward?
Hecks nah.
Would you rather have orange juice or milk with your breakfast?
Chocolate milk, please & thanks :)
Is there anyone out there who can make you cry very easily?
When was the last time you told someone you love them?
Prolly within a day or so. I love lots of peoples.
Do you enjoy watching comedies or horror movies more?
Def. comedies.
Who was the last person you talked to last night in person before bed?
My daddio, he walked in with a smile on his face cuz you knew I dyed my hair dark but hadn't seen it yet. He liked it ;)
What will you be doing Saturday?
It is Saturday.. and I'm at work til 430 then who knows.
Do you have clothes that belong to other people?
If you have siblings, which one of you is going to be married first?
I only gots one sibling, and in his words "i'm single as evaaaaa" so I dunno how fast he's gonna get married? lol
How late did you stay up last night?
1230ish, I guess. Then I woke back up a little after 3am, texted a few times then went back to sleep.
Who did you go out to eat with last?
My parentals <3
What would you name your future son?
Well.. at one point it was Trent Jamenson, but I highly doubt thats gonna happen now.
Who was the last person to text you?
Kelly Fucking Carpenter.
What did y'all talk about?
She informed me that she didn't remember a thing from her night out last night, and that her boyfriend told her this morning that she repeatedly said "If Jenner doesn't take me to get TBell after the bar, me and you won't have sex for a week" Then I guess she kept falling off the bed, and didn't know how to take her shirt off. Thats Kelly at her finest, bahahaha.
Think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a bed?
What is your current relationship status?
Single as evaaaa. Ha
Angry at anyone?
Is there anyone you would do anything for?
Yesss. :)
Is it hard to make you laugh?
Not even the slightest bit.
Would you rather pierce your tongue or lip?
Lip, yo.
Next time you will kiss someone?
You tell me?
Something's wrong. First person you go to?
Ahh depends on what's wrong, and where I'm at. If I'm at work, its Miss Kales. If I'm at home I'll text Lauren.
Ever gotten yourself into a confusing situation?
Prolly on a daily basis.
Do you have an attitude?
Hardly ever.
When was the last time that you were genuinely happy?
Oh.. ouch, I don't even know?
How was last night?
Stupid, boring, lonely, gay. I laid in my bed with Bubba.
If you were in the hospital would your number one come see you?
She better, or I'll put her in the hospital.. bahahaha.
Have you ever dyed your hair?
Sure have.
When someone says "we need to talk," what runs through your mind?
"Oh crap, crap, crap, what did I do?"
Do you think its cute when someone kisses your forehead?
Very much so.
What did your last text say?
Ha.. "Right he said if I ate it I'd puke. Nah mother fucker that's my cure for not pukin"
What are you doing?
This survey obviously, not working. :/
Where are you?
At workski, in my cubical.
Who made you laugh last?
Think back to this time last year, were you happy?
Yes, I was more content with my life.
When a friend walks out of your life, do you go after them or let them go?
Depends on what friend it is and why they left.
What's really pissing you off?
Do you have a member of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?
Sure do.
How many piercings do you have and where?
Jus the ears, twice.
Why do you hate the person you hate the most?
Hate is a strong emotion that you shouldn't let into your life.
Has anyone told you they don't want to ever lose you?
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
I do.
Are there things in your life that you'll never be able to get over?
No I can get over things with time, and I believe that whole-heartedly.
Who is someone you can tell anything to?
Ahh.. Lauren, Kelly, Kaleigh, Jena, all my boyss..
What were you doing right before this?
Do you have anything you'd like to say, but can't?
Who was the last person you talked to in person?
Holly said hi to me as I was walking back from throwing some stuff away.
Are you fan of Lil Wayne?
Why, yes I am!
Do you have siblings over the age of 21?
I do.
How would your parents react if you got a tattoo?
Been there, done that. Parents didn't talk to me for a couple days. They got over it.
What were you doing last night at midnight?
Laying in my bed, catching up with my shows, talking with my daddio.
Last person you gave your number to, guy or girl?
Ahh.. girl? Some realtor lady.
Last beverage?
Flavored water.
Has anybody ever given you butterflies?
Of course.
What is something you need to go shopping for?
When was the last time you smiled?
This morning.
Whats your favorite season?
Has anyone hurt you recently?
Don't think so.
Do like to drive fast?
I do. I have a lead foot, and my little go-cart doesn't satisfied my need for speed.
Does your curiosity get the best of you ever?
It def. has, alot.
Would you stay in the same relationship for over a year?
If I was happy, duhhh.
I bet you're texting someone right now, aren't you?
Do you still pinky promise?
Fa sho.
What if your boyfriend/ girlfriend went through your cellphone?
I don't have a boyfriend, but if I did.. I wouldn't have anything to hide so he can go right ahead.
Do you honestly miss someone?
Whats your New Years Resolution?
Check my blog I wrote about it, it's a pretty hefty list.
How is your heart at this moment?
It's beating.
How is your mood?
Oh soooo sleepy.
Does your password have to do with a boy/girl?
Nah mannnne.
Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama pants?
Jeans & a hoodie.
Is there something that makes you angry?
Does anybody have a tattoo with your name on it?
Hecks yeah, Brody & Brandon Jenner both have my name tattooed on them. Brody has it down his side, ribs whatever (SO hott!) and Brandon has it across his upper back, I'm pretty sure.
Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurt?
Don't think so.
Have you ever made a boyfriend or girlfriend cry?
Are you happier single or in a relationship?
In a relationship.
Talk to any of your exes?
Ahh.. not recently. Yessssssssss
If you could go back in time and change things, would you?
A few minor things.
Have you told anyone you'd marry them?
Yess.. I did.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Tryin' on the darker side
Okay, I've been SO bad at the whole bloggin' thing. I'm sorry! I just don't have much to say these days?! And I don't feel like boring you with my every day non-existent fun-filled life, so I haven't blogged in a while. But today I'm stuck at home, all by my lonesome. The whole family is working & all my friends are either in classes or at work. I woke up sick today :/ After work yesterday, my throat started feeling all scratchy on the left hand side and it hurt to swallow, didn't really think too much of it. I figured that was a sign of getting sick, but I NEVER get sick.. my immune system is kickass, yo! But I woke up this morning, couldn't breathe out my nose, my head feels so stuffed up and fuzzy feeling and my throat is about 10x worse. This SUCKS! So now I got all the time in the world, today.
I've been debating if I wanted to try on the darker side again. Finally, there's no if's, and's or but's about it, I'm dying my hair dark brunette. I asked some people at work and not one person said to stay blonde, so it wasn't hard to convince me on what to do next. Below is some pictures of me as a blonde, then under them are the pictures of me as a brunette.
New year, New things! <3

at my blondest

most updated pic

darkest hair color

hey look ma, i'm tan!
I've been debating if I wanted to try on the darker side again. Finally, there's no if's, and's or but's about it, I'm dying my hair dark brunette. I asked some people at work and not one person said to stay blonde, so it wasn't hard to convince me on what to do next. Below is some pictures of me as a blonde, then under them are the pictures of me as a brunette.
New year, New things! <3

at my blondest

most updated pic

darkest hair color

hey look ma, i'm tan!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
New year, New things.
So I haven't actually blogged to blog in alittle while. Ya know, give ya some kind of an update about my life. I went back to work this morning after have 5 whole days off. I was bored outta my mind on my days off last week. I almost went insane. I did get to start tanning though and so far I've gone every day but Saturday. (I sorta burnt myself today, oppsies.) Last Wednesday I had an 830am appointment with Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation to apply for a home loan, which I'm happy to report back that I was pre-approved! YES!! It's a wonderful feeling knowing you've been approved to buy a house, a greaaat feeling. I'm ecstatic and beyond thankful towards my parents for teaching me the rights & wrongs of money, bills, credit cards, & debt.
Thursday, I did a whole lotta nothing. I did go with my mom to JoAnn fabrics and buy some yarn and stuff for crocheting. She's trying to teach me, it's just not working out so well. I give mad props to anyone that has master the crocheting skill! I'm highly jealous. I wanna make hats, scarfs & blankets.. and little baby booties! I know SO many wonderful ladies that are expecting, I wanna give them something special!
Friday night was prolly one of the best nights in a looong time. I went out with 3 of my best guy friends, Kenny, Nick & Danny. We started out at Brubaker's Pub in Ak-Rowdy then went out to my best friend Kyla's place. I wasn't feeling it all that much, plus it was snowing SO bad so we left and went to another party closer to home. Joe's party was a little too much for me to handle. Everyone was stupid, crazy drunk and there was a few girls that I've never met before there that were total bitches. Too much drama for me. I got a text from random guys all through-out the night. But one stands out, because I ended up going to his new crib to chill for the rest of the night. It was nice, I got to watch the movie "The Hangover" for the first time. (Hilarious movie!) I never fell asleep so I came home sometime before 8am on Saturday. The rest of the weekend was sort of blah. I went to a jewelry party & dress shopping with Jena & Lauren and just lounged around the house for the rest of the weekend.
Now it's time for another work week to go by. It's sorta nice to get back into a routine, it keeps me grounded and my mind on track. I lost 7 lbs last week, but I just found out I gained 1 lb back over the weekend. Grrr. But that's just going to put me back into a serious state of mind to lose it again and more to come.
I hope you're having a good first month into the 2010 year. Have a good week & an awesome weekend. <3 xoxo
Thursday, I did a whole lotta nothing. I did go with my mom to JoAnn fabrics and buy some yarn and stuff for crocheting. She's trying to teach me, it's just not working out so well. I give mad props to anyone that has master the crocheting skill! I'm highly jealous. I wanna make hats, scarfs & blankets.. and little baby booties! I know SO many wonderful ladies that are expecting, I wanna give them something special!
Friday night was prolly one of the best nights in a looong time. I went out with 3 of my best guy friends, Kenny, Nick & Danny. We started out at Brubaker's Pub in Ak-Rowdy then went out to my best friend Kyla's place. I wasn't feeling it all that much, plus it was snowing SO bad so we left and went to another party closer to home. Joe's party was a little too much for me to handle. Everyone was stupid, crazy drunk and there was a few girls that I've never met before there that were total bitches. Too much drama for me. I got a text from random guys all through-out the night. But one stands out, because I ended up going to his new crib to chill for the rest of the night. It was nice, I got to watch the movie "The Hangover" for the first time. (Hilarious movie!) I never fell asleep so I came home sometime before 8am on Saturday. The rest of the weekend was sort of blah. I went to a jewelry party & dress shopping with Jena & Lauren and just lounged around the house for the rest of the weekend.
Now it's time for another work week to go by. It's sorta nice to get back into a routine, it keeps me grounded and my mind on track. I lost 7 lbs last week, but I just found out I gained 1 lb back over the weekend. Grrr. But that's just going to put me back into a serious state of mind to lose it again and more to come.
I hope you're having a good first month into the 2010 year. Have a good week & an awesome weekend. <3 xoxo
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
I'm noticing that if you're naturally a blonde, you obsess over brunettes, but if you're a brunette you tend to love blonde hair. It's weird. If you have long hair you want short hair, if you have short hair, you dream about having long hair again. If you're hair is naturally straight you envy girls with natural curls.. and vice versa. There's just something about brunettes that I love, I think they automatically look down to earth & laid back. They have a true natural beauty about them. I'm a natural blonde, but a natural dark dirty ash colored blonde. I highlight the crap outta my hair ;) I've tried on the darker side a few times but it always fades to a reddish-crappy tint and I end up going back to being a blonde. Don't get me wrong, blondes are WAY better. They absolutely have more fun, and only true blondes can look good in whatever hair color they chose. Natural brunettes never look good as blondes. Bahahaha.
But anyways, I just came across this singer. Her name is Jessie James. She's a 20-year-old Georgia stunner who was born in Italy. She considers herself a pop-diva (via her official website.) She's truly amazing and flawlessly gorgeous. Below are some pictures, then below the pictures is her "My Cowboy" video. Amazing.

"My Cowboy - Jessie James"
Make sure you listen to:
"I look so good (without you)", "Wanted" & "Blue Jeans"
See more songs & video blogs by Jessie James ;)
Her official website & myspace link:
But anyways, I just came across this singer. Her name is Jessie James. She's a 20-year-old Georgia stunner who was born in Italy. She considers herself a pop-diva (via her official website.) She's truly amazing and flawlessly gorgeous. Below are some pictures, then below the pictures is her "My Cowboy" video. Amazing.

"My Cowboy - Jessie James"
Make sure you listen to:
"I look so good (without you)", "Wanted" & "Blue Jeans"
See more songs & video blogs by Jessie James ;)
Her official website & myspace link:
Monday, January 4, 2010
2010 * My New Years Resolutions
So 2010 has officially begun. I have soo many New Years Resolutions, it's unreal. My objective is to make 2010 MY year. I have to. I have faith in myself that I will make all the right changes to me, my life & my surroundings to better my future self. Below is a list of my resolutions, but their just some intentions of mine. I'm not setting any limits for myself this year. So here it goes..
- Buy my FIRST house, by MYSELF. :)
- Have the most WONDERFULLEST birthday, EVER! It's #25! Yikes.
- Stay 110% true to my dearest friends & closest family members.
- Get new glasses.
- Keep all the past negativity & drama in 2009.
- Learn & master the art of crocheting.
- Start tanning, then remain tan by spray tanning (it's so much healthier!)
- Loose a ton of weight, trust me it's muchly needed.
- Purchase a brand new vehicle, WITH power-locks, power-windows, a sunroof, keyless entry, & a stock CD player. Pluses: CD player WITH GPS, heated seats, & remote start.
- Learn more Blog tricks, treats, codes & skills.
- Stop being irresponsible & take care of ME in allll aspects.
- Get a kitten, name him something amazing & get him a jeweled collar. (Yes, I want a boy kitty)
- Purchase some amazing booooots, black, grey & brown!
- Buy & wear more leggings, "dresses," & boots.
- Try Jamba & Kick Boxing.
- Fall in love again.
- Find a new hobby, or two.
- Keep up with my all shows, on a weekly basis.
- Buy the rest of the Twilight Saga books.
- Never drink soda for the whole 2010 year. (Except for verry special occasions.)
- Actually keep working out & dieting for more than 1 month.
- Go on a vacation, or two. (Pluses: visiting Europe or California)
- Buy my first pair of cowboy boots & a cowboy hat.
- Save some mula.
- Go to a Cleveland Cavs basketball game, or two, or three, or four. Ha
- Find me a man that introduces me to new things.
- Buy my FIRST house, by MYSELF. :)
- Have the most WONDERFULLEST birthday, EVER! It's #25! Yikes.
- Stay 110% true to my dearest friends & closest family members.
- Get new glasses.
- Keep all the past negativity & drama in 2009.
- Learn & master the art of crocheting.
- Start tanning, then remain tan by spray tanning (it's so much healthier!)
- Loose a ton of weight, trust me it's muchly needed.
- Purchase a brand new vehicle, WITH power-locks, power-windows, a sunroof, keyless entry, & a stock CD player. Pluses: CD player WITH GPS, heated seats, & remote start.
- Learn more Blog tricks, treats, codes & skills.
- Stop being irresponsible & take care of ME in allll aspects.
- Get a kitten, name him something amazing & get him a jeweled collar. (Yes, I want a boy kitty)
- Purchase some amazing booooots, black, grey & brown!
- Buy & wear more leggings, "dresses," & boots.
- Try Jamba & Kick Boxing.
- Fall in love again.
- Find a new hobby, or two.
- Keep up with my all shows, on a weekly basis.
- Buy the rest of the Twilight Saga books.
- Never drink soda for the whole 2010 year. (Except for verry special occasions.)
- Actually keep working out & dieting for more than 1 month.
- Go on a vacation, or two. (Pluses: visiting Europe or California)
- Buy my first pair of cowboy boots & a cowboy hat.
- Save some mula.
- Go to a Cleveland Cavs basketball game, or two, or three, or four. Ha
- Find me a man that introduces me to new things.
What is Ohio coming to?!

www.perezhilton.com ©
Sounds like she could have done with a Happy Meal instead!
24-year-old Melodi Dushane was arrested after she punched through the drive-thru windows at McDonald's in Ohio. The reason?:
They were out of Chicken McNuggets!
Dushane was treated for injuries before being put in jail and she pleaded not guilty to a vandalism charge. The whack-job was released on a recognizance bond and has been ordered not to have any contact with the restaurant.
No McNuggets for you now, or, ever again.
Burger King better keep their wits about them or they could be her next victim!
www.perezhilton.com ©
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Best Veggie Dip.

I wanted to share with you the BEST vegetable dip you will EVER have, for the rest of your life. It's made by Hidden Valley. It's called "Hidden Valley Dips, Ranch." It comes already pre-made in a powder like substance, you have to purchase 16oz of sour cream though. I always buy either Fat Free Sour Cream or Light Sour Cream. You add the two items together, stir and its ready to start eating. My all time favorite vegetable is cucumbers. This is a GREAT snack to take to work and/or to just munch on when you get home from work. Especially to start off 2010 right with your diets. Enjoy :)

Maltodextrin, Salt, Monosodium Glutamate, Onion (Dried), Garlic (Dried), Parsley (Dried), Carrageenan, Buttermilk, Spice and Calcium Stearate.
For more information, check the website:
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