Okay, I've been SO bad at the whole bloggin' thing. I'm sorry! I just don't have much to say these days?! And I don't feel like boring you with my every day non-existent fun-filled life, so I haven't blogged in a while. But today I'm stuck at home, all by my lonesome. The whole family is working & all my friends are either in classes or at work. I woke up sick today :/ After work yesterday, my throat started feeling all scratchy on the left hand side and it hurt to swallow, didn't really think too much of it. I figured that was a sign of getting sick, but I NEVER get sick.. my immune system is kickass, yo! But I woke up this morning, couldn't breathe out my nose, my head feels so stuffed up and fuzzy feeling and my throat is about 10x worse. This SUCKS! So now I got all the time in the world, today.
I've been debating if I wanted to try on the darker side again. Finally, there's no if's, and's or but's about it, I'm dying my hair dark brunette. I asked some people at work and not one person said to stay blonde, so it wasn't hard to convince me on what to do next. Below is some pictures of me as a blonde, then under them are the pictures of me as a brunette.
New year, New things! <3

at my blondest

most updated pic

darkest hair color

hey look ma, i'm tan!
YAyyyy. I'm so happy.