Tuesday, February 16, 2010


It's already basically the middle of the week, I feel like I've barely worked this week, prolly because I haven't. Haha. Both Monday & Tuesday we were on the phones at work- where we have to call the customers to start the process of their claim towards a settlement, yeah it's as boring as it sounds. It's hard to get a lot of points though, so it's frustrating. Tuesday both Kaleigh & Shawn weren't at work, so I only worked half a day. Haha. I left work at 2pm and went straight home, to do absolutely nothing. I hung out with my daddy & my sickly broski. I went to Giant Eagle and bought the most random items: deodorant, Lip Smackers: Watermelon flavored, one cucumber, 2 boxes of Velvetta Shells with bacon, 20oz bottle of Pepsi and a Reese to satisfy my chocolate craving. I didn't get much done, but it sure was nice to have nothing to do. I did utilize my tanning bed in my basement though. My new kitten, Bubba decided he wanted to get a tan too. He seriously laid on my stomach the whole time. Sure hope he doesn't go blind. Monday I ended up leaving work at 5:15 & I went with Kaleigh to her crib for a little bit. I got to meet her handsome, younger brother-in-law Jeremy. He's a stud, I won't lie. And him and Kaleighs' hubby Matt had their guitars in hand. Guys with guitars, that sing, make me smile. :) We didn't stay at her crib long, we had to get to the Kent movie theater to see Valentine's Day with Michelle. It was a cutesy movie.

This past weekend was a little bit crazy, but in a way uneventful. Friday I didn't really do much, except chicken out on going over to some guys' house where he left his side door unlocked for me. I should of at least went to lock the door since I wasn't coming, right? Ha, oppsies. Well I didn't chicken out per say, I just knew he already fell asleep, so it was pointless to go over. My dad put roses in my room that I didn't see until late on Friday night. Made my night! <3 Saturday morning my parents woke me up to go get breakfast at Bob Evans, then they dropped me off at a basketball game where I met up with Kim & Shawn. After the game, I got bored & went to visit Katie at Applebee's, saw everyone I use to work with, that was nice. Then I went up to Lauren's work to visit her a little bit. She made me a bouquet of flowers with Gerbera Daisies for V-Day :) I had to take Katie's flowers to her parents house, so I visited with her mom for awhile, got caught up with each others life. She's a pretty amazing person.

I hung out with my family for a little while Saturday night, I wasn't really planning on doing much. But I did manage to drink some of the beers in the fridge & my boys.. Nick & Kenny were together and we all decided to go out for Jaeger Bombs. I didn't get dressed up at all, I wore jeans with an Ellet Basketball hoodie, hair pulled up & my glasses. We went to Brubakers first, it was way too packed, we all got one beer and left. We went to a bar in Brimfield and the shots began. When I came out from the restroom one time there was this guy standing right next to my chair talking to Nick & Kenny. They were talking about how they played football against each other, blah blah blah. I wasn't paying much attention until the guy brought up a mutual friend me & the boys all went to school with. Then the bomb dropped, the random guy was the dude that left his house unlocked for me the night before step-dad. What are the chances!? What makes it even worse is my friend Nick was like "Jenner knows your son...." and the step-dad turned to me "Oh you know my son? You fuck him?" Ahhhh, just lovely. That was my entertainment for the rest of the night. He asked me that like 4 more times. Said random things a 40 year old shouldn't. It was awkward but hilarious. The boys couldn't stop laughing and they remind me everyday of what the step-dad said. I have the strangest luck ever. We finally left that bar and went to downtown Akron where we basically got VIP service. More shots & free beers. I was drunkitty, drunk drunk drunk. Both Kenny and Nick were wasted (fuckin Jaeger bombs, HA!) Nick doesn't remember coming home. Kenny lost his belt and his cell phone, come to find out his belt was in my back seat and his phone was in his driveway under an inch of snow. (He stayed at his sisters house that night though?) We basically had our own little verison of the movie "The Hangover." Ha, great times! I woke up Sunday with a really bad hangover. Lauren wanted me to go V-Day shopping with her so I did, I don't remember what else I did after-wards, pretty much jus lounged around, did a whole-lotta nothing.

Alright I blogged enough for tonight, about absolutely nothing important.. Ha. Have a good day! xoxo

PS. While I was writing this blog I realized that I've slacked on the bloggin thing so bad that half the things I talked about need updated about. I got a kitten, his name is Bubba. I'll have to post some pictures. He plays with my two dogs. He rules the house. He smells like a puppy, not a kitten, no joke. I wubbbbb him. <3 My friend that I had blogged about previously that I was losing touch with appeared on my doorstep a few weeks ago. I couldn't be happier. She's the only person that knows EVERYTHING about me, past- present & future. I love that she can confide in me everything that she has to hide from her work & other friends. I also have an offer on a house near my neighborhood, sorta closer to a different "town." It's a "Short-Sale" and it's taking FOREVER to get back to me. I'm so anxious. There's a lot more to talk about, but I'm all talked out for tonight. xoxo

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