Wanna play?
Copy the questions..
Answer them..
Super simple!
1 - Why did you start blogging?
Kaleigh Marie Meduri.
3 - Why are you always concerned with losing that "extra 10 pounds" when chances are your husband/boyfriend/friends tell you that you look just fine the way you are?
Because I actually need to lose some pounds. I don't have a husband/boyfriend to tell me I look fine the way I am.
4 - What's the one thing you wish guys could understand about you?
There's nothing to try to "understand" about me.
I'm not complex.. I'm a simple, down-to-earth girl who doesn't play games.
And I don't have any hidden agenda's for some guy to try to figure out.
5 - Tattoos. How many do you have and how many are visible when you wear your "everyday" clothes?
I have one tattoo, which is visible when I wear my "everyday" clothes.
It's an outline of a heart on my left wrist.
6 - What was the best year of your life and why?
While I was in school still it was my Junior year.
And after I graduated, the best year of my life thus far would be the day I turned 20 to the day I turned 22.
(I know that's 2 years, but they were an amazing 2 years!)
7 - Name three things you would do if you were a man for one day.
Umm.. I don't know? Sorry that's not a very fun answer! :/
8 - What's your alcoholic drink of choice that usually raises a few eyebrows?
Haha, raises a few eyebrows? I guess a chick that responds "Fuckin' Jager Bombs!" when asked what shot she would like to take would raise an eyebrow or two.
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