Monday, May 31, 2010
One day away from a new month, a new start.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
I'ma survey-you-up.
Is this a legit question? Ha
Does your favorite song remind you of anybody?
Of course.
Have you ever had to choose between two people? If so, how hard was it?
Yes I have. It was somewhat hard.. only because I don't like being the source of someones pain. I didn't want to hurt someone, but no matter what I decided one or two people were going to get hurt. But I know I made the right choice.
Do you have a member of the opposite sex you've told everything to?
Do you honestly have any regrets?
Honestly? No.
Have you met anybody that changed your life?
Yes, many people actually. <3
Have you ever opened up to somebody, but then they basically threw it all away?
Not really.
Missing anybody right now?
Do you have any tattoo's/piercing's?
Ears pierced twice, one tiny heart tattoo on my left wrist.
Is it easier to pretend everything's okay for you?
Yes. But my friends see right through it. Every time.
Have you ever felt like somebody just forgot you existed?
Ever cried while you were on the phone with someone?
Ever received a really long apology?
I don't believe so. Usually "I'm sorry." gets the job done pretty quick & easy.
What do you bite on more; your tongue, lip, or nails?
What's on your mind?
How I think I'm still not ready to start a relationship with someone new.
Are you mean?
Would you rather go back a week or go forward?
Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
That's highly questionable. I'm leaning more towards no.
Do you currently have feelings for anyone?
Surprisingly, not really.
Does anyone call you babe or baby?
There's no one that constantly calls me babe or baby.
Could you go out in public wearing what you are now?
Have you ever been around a person who was high?
Ugh, duh.
Are promises important to you?
Would you ever consider living with any of your friends?
Of course.
Did anything "cute" happen in this week?
Yes. I got a few forehead kissies.
What will you be doing on the weekend?
I dunnooo, it's a week away!
What month were you born in?
How much money do you have?
Not nearly enough.
Do you get along with girls?
For the most part, I suppose.
What color is your hair?
Dark brown.
Do you tell your best friend EVERYTHING?
When was the last time you talked to your best friend?
Is it easier for you to forgive or forget?
Do you like your name?
A pretty unique nickname came out of it, so yup.
Have you ever run over an animal?
Yes :(
Did you do anything mean to someone today?
Sure hope not.
Are you happy with your life atm?
Wow, it took me a hot second to figure out what "atm" meant. But yeah, I'm content with my life.. it can only get better, way better.
What's the worst thing you've gone through in the past year?
Nothing too bad this year.
Tomorrow is?
Monday. Over-time hell for me.
How have you felt today?
You win backstage passes to meet the Jonas Brothers, you?
Sell them bitches.
You wake up, all your hair is gone, your first reaction?
I pinch myself, so I can wake up for my nightmare.
Have you ever kicked a wall, door, etc.?
What's your favourite theme park?
Cedar Point.
Are you listening to music right now?
Do you tend to waste a lot of your money?
I waste every penny.
What did you have for breakfast?
Peanut butter waffles!
If you looked through your phone right now, who are most of your text
Shawn :/
Do you love the Browns?
Well.. I cheer for my hometown teams, I just don't have a real favorite NFL team that I "love." Now Ohio State football is a different story, I got mad love for them!
Hmmm.. new hair color?

(Don't mind the EX, I don't know how to cut/edit pics on my iMac)
Friday, May 21, 2010
Fill in the Blank Friday.
Fashion Theme

1. One fashion trend I really regret is
not having a fashion trend in general. I was more of a tomboy than anything. I played sports & didn't care to get dressed up for school. I rocked sweats, hoodies & tee shirts the majority of my high school career. I was never one of those "girly girls."
2. The one thing that always completes any outfit is
earrings. sometimes a long dangly necklace and lots of bangle bracelets.
3. I would describe my personal style as
comfy? I really don't have much of a "style." I kinda just dress in clothes that I like, that I feel comfortable in. I wear long dresses. Plaid/flannel tops. I do layers too. I rock some jewelry accessories. It's a lot more girly-girl than I was use to so many years ago. But I'm not some preppy-hollister, abercrombie & fitch wearin homewrecker. :)
4. My fashion muse is
Taylor Swift & Blake Lively
5. If I could own one designer piece of clothing it would be
Ohh man. I don't even know. I'm not huge on spending hundreds & thousands on clothing & accessories. (Purses are a different story Ha-ha.) So I never even look at designer clothing, so I don't really have an answer for this one?
6. I would love to raid the wardrobe of
Blake Lively & Taylor Swift. I love Blake's accessories & Taylor Swifts cowboy boots & sun dresses.
7. Today I am wearing
Okay this is SO not fair. I got up SO late for work, I didn't even attempt to get ready. Plus I'm sunburnt from tanning so the only effort I put into getting dressed was "making sure whatever I wear is very loose fitting." I have on a pair of jeans, my white DC skater tennis shoes, an orange t-shirt and a grey hoodie of my brothers from highschool. Ugh.
LiNK UP HERE ----> the little things we do
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Would you consider a 2011 Ford Mustang? It's a sports car with 304 horsepower AND gets 31 MPG highway!
I don't think I could! I've never owned a Ford haha. Don't get me wrong the new Mustangs are amazing but I'm a Chevy girl & can't wait to own a new Camaro!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Over-time Incentive.
If being debt free isn't enough incentive already to work as much as possible. There's also the opportunity of moving out incentive.. and then the BEST incentive ever. When I pay off my debt I'll be able to afford a more expensive car payment. Right now I have a 2008 Kia Rio. Yeah- I'm pretty lucky to have basically a brand new car. But it's a family car. I only got it because I was under the impression I was going to be starting a family in the following year or so. And welp that didn't happen. So below is my REAL incentive to be working my botty off:

Bumble Bee!
I want to get a new car. I want a SPORT car. I want a car with 2 doors. I want to have automatic everything (windows, locks, maybe even auto start?) I want a sunroof! I want my windows tinted illegally black. I want a car with dual exhaust. I want to hear the rumbles from a mile away. I want an AWESOME sound system. I wanna go FAST! I want something gorgeous and new and will make everyone envious. And I WILL have it. I get what I want. Haha.
I just can't decide if I want to get a yellow 2010 Camaro though.
What do you think? Should I get the yellow or one of the below colors?:


Saturday, May 15, 2010
I wish I could rip out a page of my memory
'cause I put to much energy in him and me
Can't wait till I get through this phase
'cause it's killing me
To bad we can't re-write our own history
Such a mystery when he's here with me
It's hard to believe I'm still lonely
Chance's fading now, patience running out
This ain't how it's supposed to be
I'm having nightmares from sleeping with the enemy
How do we re-reverse the chemistry
I don't want us to be the end of me
This love is taking all of my energy
Energy, my energy
Taking all my energy
Energy, my energy
Taking all of (my energy)
Seems only like yesterday, not even gravity
Could keep your feet off the ground when you go to me
How can two be as one
We've become to divided now
There's no use hiding from my misery
Now I can feel a change in me
And I can't afford to slip much further
From the person I was meant to be
I'm not afraid to walk alone
Not give it up but moving on
Before it gets too deep
'cause you're taking all of my energy
I'm having nightmares from sleeping with the enemy
How do we reverse the chemistry
I don't want us to be the end of me
This love is taking all of my energy
You're killing me
You're taking all of me yeah, oh
This love is taking all of my energy
Friday, May 14, 2010
Fill in the Blank Friday!

1. The very best thing about the summer is ..
Still walking out of work at 630 and the sun doesn't go down til close til 9! Bonfires, cookouts, patio drinking, day drinking, country concerts, thunderstorms, baseball, camping, tubing/skiing.. Haha I could keep going.
2. My first crush ever was ..
The same guy that everyone had a crush on in Kindergarden, even my mom had the biggest crush on him. Haha.
3. This may sound really silly but ..
I can't wait to have my very own Bumble Bee! :) Haha a 2010 Chevy Camaro..Yellow.. Please & Thanks! Yes I'm a girl that loves muscle cars! That Camaro will reflect my amazing driving skills. My Kia just doesn't give me justice right now.
4. I squeeze my toothpaste ..
Wherever the heck I want to, however I pick it up.. I jus squeeze, no specific way!
5. My absolute favorite "comfort food" is ..
Cheeeeeeeeeeesecake!! .. mmm!
6. A random fact about me is ..
I can only eat pancakes & waffles with peanut butter on them. SO good! I promise you!
7. The one piece of technology that truly makes my life better and I couldn't live without is ..
My lovely Droid! Seriously don't know how I lived without it, it does EVERYTHING! It might even pour me a beer later.. Haha.
LiNK UP! :) ---> Fill in the Blank Friday!
"Bulletproof" - La Roux
Been there, done that, messed around
I'm having fun don't put me down,
I'll never let you sweep me off my feet,
I won't let you in again, the messages I've tried to send,
my informations just not going in,
burnin' bridges shore to shore, I'll break away from something more,
I'm not turned off to love until it's cheap,
been there, done that, messed around,
I'm having fun don't put me down,
I'll never let you sweep me off my feet,
This time baby I'll be bulletproof
This time baby I'll be bulletproof
I won't let you turn around,
and tell me now I'm much too proud,
to walk away from something when it's dead,
do do do your dirty words come out to play when you are hurt?,
there's certain things that should be left unsaid,
tick tick tick on the watch and life's too short for me to stop,
Oh baby, your time is running out,
I won't let you turn around,
and tell me now I'm much too proud,
All you do is fill me up with doubt,
This time baby I'll be bulletproof
This time baby I'll be bulletproof
This time baby I'll be bulletproof
This time baby I'll be bulletproof
This time baby I'll be bulletproof
This time baby I'll be bulletproof
This time baby, this time baby
This time baby, this time
This time baby, this time baby
This time baby, this time.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Wow! What are the chances?!
This is my gorgeous, little preggo friend.. Kaleigh Marie :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010
Times Square Bomb Scare - May 1st 2010
A crude car bomb of propane, gasoline and fireworks was discovered in a smoking Nissan Pathfinder in the heart of Times Square on Saturday evening, prompting the evacuation of thousands of tourists and theatergoers on a warm and busy night. Although the device had apparently started to detonate, there was no explosion, and early on Sunday the authorities were still seeking a suspect and motive.

Members of the Police Department’s bomb squad donned protective gear, broke the Pathfinder’s back windows and sent in a “robotic device” to “observe” it, said Deputy Commissioner Paul J. Browne, the police department’s chief spokesman. Inside, they discovered three canisters of propane like those used for barbecue grills, two five-gallon cans of gasoline, consumer-grade fireworks — the apparent source of the “pops” — and two clocks with batteries, the mayor said. He said the device “looked amateurish.”

Officials said they had no reports of anyone seen running from the vehicle. Mr. Kelly said police were scouring the area for any additional videotapes but noted that the S.U.V.’s windows were tinted, which could further hamper any efforts to identify those inside. Some of the surveillance cameras nearby were located in closed businesses, and the mayor made clear it would take time to review all available tapes.
“We have no idea who did this or why,” Mr. Bloomberg said. Kevin B. Barry, a former supervisor in the New York Police Department bomb squad, said that if the device had functioned, “it would be more of an incendiary event” than an explosion.

The S.U.V.’s standard vehicle identification number had been removed, Mr. Bloomberg said, and investigators were scouring it to see if the number appeared elsewhere.
The White House said President Obama had been briefed on the episode and had pledged federal assistance in the investigation.

I was just there a month ago. You know how many times we walked to Times Square? A lot! We were in Times Square more at night time too. We even ate right in the middle of it all. We watched the guys at the restaurant we were at work as a team to throw out their garbage bags onto the curb like you see in one of the pictures of the SUV up there. It's just SO crazy that things like that happen. And they seem to happen so quickly & easily.