SO one of my veryy good friends, basically the best friend someone could ask for.. is pregnant! She's turning 23 this week, married to her soul-mate & best friend & she's currently in the 22-23 week range. (I believe!?) She went to a tech place where all they tell you the sex of your baby & print off lots of ultrasound pic's when she was 17 weeks. (I think? lol) All the pictures were pointing to a boy. That actually hit her pretty hard because she's only wanted to have one baby her whole life, and that baby was to be a little baby girl. Even her hubby wanted a little girl! Well.. today she went to her normal OBGYN doc for the sex appointment (& where they check lots of other things too) and they found out they're having a GIRL! They get to have that little baby girl that they BOTH wanted SO bad! I'm beyond excited for them. They deserve this so incredibly much, for so many different reasons. That little baby girl is amazingly loved so much already, SHE has no idear!
This is my gorgeous, little preggo friend.. Kaleigh Marie :)
This is my gorgeous, little preggo friend.. Kaleigh Marie :)

GAHHH! I love YOU! :) You're my favorite <3 This made me teary. (hormones, fa sho)