I know quickly whether a guy is boyfriend material.
If I can have a good time doing absolutely nothing with him,
then that's boyfriend material for me.
Its sweet when someone knows every single detail about you.
Not because you constantly remind them, but because they pay attention.
When you're still smiling about something
that happened six months ago,
you know there's got to be MORE.
The thing about dating a friend is that you've got history.
You've got stories, and laughs that you can talk about.
It's much easier, and better, then starting from scratch.
The grand essentials to happiness in life are:
something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.
This is how it goes. I will respect those who
respect me, and forget those who forget me.
Simple as that.
Just because I finally got over you,
doesn't mean there aren't days when
it all just comes rushing back.
Take nothing but photos.
Leave nothing but footprints.
Kill nothing but time.
Sometimes we expect more from others
because we would be willing to do the same for them.
The road to success is dotted with
many tempting parking places.
I live for those moments when you least expect
the most beautiful thing in the world to happen.
I have come to realize that he is just a guy, a special
one maybe, but he's not mine. I don't need to do things
to make him love me. If he wanted to, he WOULD.

There's a guy out there who's going to be really happy that
you didn't get back together with your crappy ex-boyfriend.
I'm not a jealous person, I'm just a girl that would love
to punch every girl in the face that gives you a second look.
Either find a way, or make one.
A best friend is someone who makes your problems their problems,
so you don't have to go through them alone.
We all have stories we will never tell.
Love should be fatal. You should never recover from it. If you can, then it wasn't really love.
Every woman has the exact love life she wants.
- The Wedding Date.
Things always get shaken up right before
something incredible comes together.
Don't be afraid, be excited.
Loving somebody doesn’t make them love you.
I never really needed you, I just liked having you there.
"Your heart just breaks, that's all.
But you can't judge,or point fingers.
You just have to be lucky enough
to find someone who appreciates you."
- Audrey Hepburn
There are just certain things in life that are better off unknown.
Things you wish you never asked, never saw, never heard or never even felt.

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