Friday, December 10, 2010


Here's my new blog:

Follow me? Okay, ready, set.. go!

Did you leave yet? For reals.. go follow me.
I feel as if I'm writing to no one! Actually I am.
So what are you still doing here!?

Friday, November 12, 2010

Makin' Moves.

Hey y'all I made a new blog.
I feel as if this blog may or may not be tainted.
I don't want 2 specific people reading my life stories.
Rather than having my followers un follow me or
have some of them remove their links on their twitter pages,
I thought I'd jus make a new one.

Let me know if you want the linky! ;)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Quotes & things.

I know quickly whether a guy is boyfriend material.

If I can have a good time doing absolutely nothing with him,

then that's boyfriend material for me.

Its sweet when someone knows every single detail about you.
Not because you constantly remind them, but because they pay attention.

Sometimes, people fall too hard, too fast, without
knowing it, and when you finally realize you should
move on, it's too late, and your heart is already broken.

When you're still smiling about something

that happened six months ago,

you know there's got to be MORE.

The thing about dating a friend is that you've got history.

You've got stories, and laughs that you can talk about.

It's much easier, and better, then starting from scratch.

The grand essentials to happiness in life are:

something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.

This is how it goes. I will respect those who

respect me, and forget those who forget me.

Simple as that.

Just because I finally got over you,

doesn't mean there aren't days when

it all just comes rushing back.

Take nothing but photos.

Leave nothing but footprints.

Kill nothing but time.

Sometimes we expect more from others

because we would be willing to do the same for them.

The road to success is dotted with

many tempting parking places.

I live for those moments when you least expect

the most beautiful thing in the world to happen.

I have come to realize that he is just a guy, a special

one maybe, but he's not mine. I don't need to do things

to make him love me. If he wanted to, he WOULD.

There's a guy out there who's going to be really happy that

you didn't get back together with your crappy ex-boyfriend.

I'm not a jealous person, I'm just a girl that would love

to punch every girl in the face that gives you a second look.

Either find a way, or make one.

A best friend is someone who makes your problems their problems,

so you don't have to go through them alone.

We all have stories we will never tell.

Love should be fatal. You should never recover from it. If you can, then it wasn't really love.

Every woman has the exact love life she wants.

- The Wedding Date.

Things always get shaken up right before

something incredible comes together.

Don't be afraid, be excited.

Loving somebody doesn’t make them love you.

I never really needed you, I just liked having you there.

We need friends who will always have our back, but won't always take our side.

"Your heart just breaks, that's all.
But you can't judge,or point fingers.
You just have to be lucky enough
to find someone who appreciates you."
- Audrey Hepburn

There are just certain things in life that are better off unknown.
Things you wish you never asked, never saw, never heard or never even felt.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Jus an average Tuesday night.

I've been sick for pretty much the past month. It got reallly bad, then I got better. Then I suddenly had a sinus invection that turned bad but only lasted about 2 days. I still get ahellalot worse at night time. I'm half-way to being completely miserable. So tonight I decided to have another, stay in .. watch movies .. do some me time type of a night.

My night consists of:





Last nights episode of Gossip Girl.

Iron Man 2 in blu-ray.. holla! (If I stay up)

& finally, one on one cuddle time with Mister Bubbs. xoxo

I know you're jealous!

PS. HUGE shout out goes to the person that commented on a very old post of mine! You're AWESOME! :)

Sunday, October 3, 2010


What were you doing at 4 am?

- Sleeeeeeping.

What's your relationship with the last person you texted?

- BFFE, yo.

What did you do today?

- Woke up, helped the pops cook breakfast for the fam.. now I'm gettin some bloggin' in.

What is the last card game you played?

- Kings. Bahaha

Where are your siblings?

- Upstairs.

Do you want kids?

- Possibly.

Do you have a friend of the opposite gender you can talk to?

- Yessum.

Did you go out or stay in last night?

- Out - Met up with Lauren & Josh at Bru's, then went to Johnny Malloys with Katie & Anamarie.

Last time you saw your parents?

- As I type.

What were your first thoughts this morning?

- "Why can't anyone let me sleep peacefully?!"

Are you a jealous person?

- Yes, but I dismiss my jealousy feelings as fast as I get them.

Do you know anyone who has messed up your life?

- Yes.. and he got to move on with his life while I had to fix all the pieces & put them together by myself.

Are you good at hiding your feelings?

- Some, yes.

Do you believe what goes around comes around?

- Extremely.

One thing you're looking forward to?

- Haunted houses, hay rides, bonfires, pumpkin patches, football, hoodies & sweats, movie nights in, rainy/gloomy days.. etc. I LOVE Fall! xox

What was the last thing you drank?

- Chocolate milk.

Are most of the friends in your life new or old?

- In betweeners.

Who was the last person you talked to on the telephone?

- Josh.

What is your mood?

- Bitchy.

Do you drink tea?

- Hate it.

Is anyone on your bad side right now?

- People that make it on my bad side aren't important.

Any plans for tomorrow?

- Work :(

How tall are you?

- 5'6ish.. shoes make a difference haha

If you could buy anything, what would it be?

- A house. A new Camaro. An airplane ticket to Europe. I could keep going.

Where is your phone?

- Good question :/

Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months?

- Definitely.

What’s the weather like today?

- Gloomy & chilly. I love it.

Do you have an xbox?

- No sir.

What happened at 3 pm yesterday?

- I was at Belden Village Mall with Lauren & Josh.

Do you shop at hollister?

- Negative.

Are there currently any words printed on the shirt you're wearing?- Yes, Ohio State University & such.

A- Are you an ADULT?

- Legally.

B- What size is your BED?

- Queen xoxo

C- How many CREDIT CARDS do you have?

- 2ish

D- Last time you DANCED?

- It's been awhile.

E- Have you voted in an ELECTION?

- Yes.

F- How are you FEELING today?

- Sickly.

G- What is one of your GOALS?

- Stick to something on my list of goals.

H- Longest job you've HELD?

- Over 5 years.

I- Biggest body INSECURITY?

- Everything.

J- Are you JEALOUS of anyone?

- No.

L- Who is your LOUDEST friend?

- Katie on the cell phone. Lauren in real life.. she echoes.

M- How much MONEY do you have on you right now?

- Zero. I'm in sweats & a tee shirt.

N- Are you NAUGHTY or NICE?

- Both ;)

O- Most expensive thing you OWN?

- My car I suppose.

P- Do you have any PETS?

- Sorta. His name is Bubba Mo.. but he favors my moma more than me. The tratior.

Q- Have you ever QUIT a job or team?

- Yes.

R- What vegetable do you REFUSE to eat?

- Broccoli

S- How do you like your STEAK cooked?

- Medium at a legit steak restaurant and medium rare at other restaurant places.

T- Are your TOES painted?

- You betcha! Dallas Cowboy's blue

U- Whats UNDER your bed?

- Nothing special.

V- How did you celebrate last VALENTINES day?

- Alone.

W- Have you caused a car WRECK?

- Umm.. no?

X- Ever go to XXX websites?

- No.

Y- Most exciting thing to happen this YEAR?

- Still waiting.

Z- Have you watched ZOEY 101?

- No.

Fresh Start.

I've been meaning to start blogging again.

The past 2 weeks I've been opening up Blogger but then I lose the urge.

I want to do surveys & write about my weekends again.

But this time include more entries about feelings, thoughts, secrets, complaints, obsessions, quotes & pictures, wants & needs, holidays, love & drama.

Every life has drama in it. A drama-free life is boring.

A life without friendships, love, secrets, & laughter is the worst life to live.

When better to do a fresh start is at the beginning of a month?

So here it goes.

Please keep all hands & feet inside the car at all times,


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Once in a lifetime opportunity!

So I hung out with my friends Kelly & her boyfriend Rogers' roommate/cousin Michelle on Saturday night. We met up with Kelly's cousin Aimee at Mariachi's for mexican food & Margarita's. (I hate "real" Mexican food.) When Michelle got there she started talking about her countdown when she leaves for school. I just sat there listening. I heard her say "I'm thinking about going to Amsterdam to celebrate my 21st since I'll be over there for my birthday." I immediately sat up straight and was like "Wait, wait, wait.. Amsterdam? Where are you going for school?" And she said "I leave for Spain in 30 days." UGH-WHAAAA? She's studying abroad for a semster. 4 whole months in Spain. She wants to go see Amsterdam and Rome for sure. Omg I seriously shit a brick. I started telling her how jealous I was and how much fun thats going to be and she comes back with "Come visit me for a long weekend!" Ugh yeah, seriously. I'll go back into debt to come visit her in Spain. I'll book a flight on my credit card and rush over there as soon as she gives me the word. I seriously can't wait. She's gonna figure out her school schedule and when all her exam weeks are before I set a real date to visit. I'm trying to visit her on her birthday. But maybe I'll go in late October, early November. I don't know. But I'm speechless right now.


This. Is. Rome.


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Anyone from Ohio?

Check out this blogger's post about her trip to Ohio.

I definitely learned a lot, makes me proud to be an Ohioan & Akron native ;)


Don't forget that LeBron James came from Ohio.

Whether or not he jus decided to become a member of the Miami Heat

he's still from good ole Akron, Ohio!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Something to pass the time..

1. Ready?
Ready as I'm ever gonna be..

2. What did you do today?
Woke up late, drove to work in freakin 95 degree weather. Ugh. Last time I checked, I lived in the state of OHIO.. where it doesnt get that hott before noon!

3. What is your favourite memory from the weekend that just passed?
Being undefeated in Beer Pong with the best partner eva eva.. Nicholas James.

4. Who was the last person to send you a text?
Haha.. Nicholas James.

5. Do you love anyone?
Sure I do!

6. What are you doing at the moment?
Kaleigh typing at her desk a mile a minute.

7. Where was the last place you went shopping?
Charlotte Rousse (Spelling?)

8. How do you feel about your haircut?
I need to get my hairs trimmed up a bit actually.

9. Where do you work?
At an Insurance company, in a cubie.

10. Last thing you ate/drank?
Ugh.. Pepsi..

11. Do you wish you were someplace else right now?

PUH-leassssseeeee take me here!

12. Do you have any pet peeves?
Way too many to make it through a day without getting annoyed.

13. Do you have any expensive jewelry?
A few diamonds.. :)

14. What are your summer plans?
Stay outta the heat as much as possible. Go camping, putt putt, drive ins, short road trips.. etc

15. Do you like math?
It's alright.. at least up until you pass Algebra.

16. How many hours on average do you work a week:

18. Favourite colour?
Blues, Pink & Purple.

19. Favourite video games?
Guitar Hero, Rock Band & allll the Mario games.

20. Do you watch the Olympics?

21. Last restaurant you went to?

22. Who was the last person to call you?

23. What’s your sign?
Sagittarius & I'm stickin to that.

24. Do you have a favorite number?

25. Last time you did volunteer work or made any donations?
Well.. umm.. you see..

26.What do you spend the majority of your money on?
Bills, bills, billlllls and more bills.

27. Where does your family live?
Majority in Ohio. Some in NC, Cali & Florida.

28. Are you an only child or do you have siblings?
I have a younger, yet wayy taller broski.

29. Ever been called a bitch?
Sure have.

30. Got any guilty pleasures?
Of course, who doesn't?

31. What do you wear to bed?

32. What’s your take on socks and sandals?
White socks with black sandals, please don't. Black socks with black sandals.. easier to get away with. White socks & white sandals or any other combinations- just stop there.

33. Did you ever collect Beanie Babies?
Haha.. Guilty.

34. Ever bought anything online?

35. Myspace or Facebook?

36. What kind of phone do you have?

38. Do you sometimes wish you were someone else?
I suppose?

39. What are you wearing?
Work clothes.. black dress pants, black & brownish/tan top

40. What are you listening to?

41. Last time you saw your parents?

42. Do you have any talents?
I'm sure I have a couple "talents."

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Various Things I Like:
[ ] Stuffed animals.
[x] Writing & recieving notes from friends & family.
[x] Running around in the pouring rain during the summer.
[ ] The feeling of nostalgia.
[ ] The sound of cats purring.
[x] Finding something I really love & enjoy doing.
[x] Cheese & crackers.
[x] Going to bed with something to look forward to the next day.
[x] Long car rides.
[ ] Pinwheels.
[ ] Being the first one up in my house.
[x] Watching funny movies when I’m in a crappy mood.
[x] Quotes that sum up my feelings at that moment.
[x] Cloudless skies.
[ ] Receiving comments on my photography.
[ ] Foggy mornings.
[ ] Obsessing over my favorite bands.
[x] Strawberry & watermelon flavored candies.
[ ] Water balloons.
[x] Taking cold showers after exercising.

Various Things I Hate:
[x] Abuse in any form.
[ ] People who don’t give a shit about the environment.
[x] Having an itch in my throat.
[x] Wanting something really bad but then looking at the price & realizing there’s no way I can afford that.
[x] Thinking I aced a test, but getting it back & finding out I did terribly.
[ ] Stomach aches.
[ ] Headaches.
[x] Taking pills.
[x] Chlorinated hair.
[ ] Scratched CDs / DVDs.
[ ] Caring so much about someone who hardly cares about me.
[ ] The smell of certain permanent markers.
[x] Breathing in cold air.
[x] When people watch me do anything.
[x] Telling a joke that I think is funny but no one else does.
[ ] Purses / pocketbooks.
[x] Heavy bags / backpacks.
[ ] Dramatic text messages / IM conversations.
[ ] People who can’t say things to my face.
[ ] Dry skin.

Musical Artists / Bands I Enjoy Listening To:
[x] Yellowcard.
[ ] Jack’s Mannequin.
[x] Something Corporate.
[x] Dashboard Confessional.
[x] Muse.
[x] New Found Glory.
[x] Paramore.
[x] Weezer.
[x] Sum 41.
[ ] The Starting Line.
[x] Jimmy Eat World.
[x] Relient K.
[x] Simple Plan.
[ ] Rilo Kiley.
[ ] The Arctic Monkeys.
[x] Good Charlotte.
[ ] The Beatles.
[x] Jason Mraz.
[ ] Motion City Soundtrack.
[ ] Angels & Airwaves.

Movies I Enjoyed Watching:
[ ] My Neighbor Totoro.
[ ] Kiki’s Delivery Service.
[ ] Castle In The Sky.
[ ] Whisper Of The Heart.
[ ] Howl’s Moving Castle.
[ ] Porco Rosso.
[x] Pearl Harbor.
[x] Valkyrie.
[x] Liar, Liar.
[x] Mr. Deeds.
[x] 50 First Dates.
[x] Yes Man.
[ ] Wayne’s World.
[x] The Spongebob Squarepants Movie.
[x] Bruce Almighty.
[x] Big Daddy.
[x] I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry.
[x] The Lion King.
[x] Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.
[x] The Sandlot.

TV Shows I Enjoy Watching:
[ ] Saturday Night Live.
[ ] Hell’s Kitchen.
[x] Seinfeld.
[ ] Glee.
[x] America’s Funniest Home Videos.
[ ] The Simpsons.
[ ] Kitchen Nightmares.
[ ] The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack.
[x] Hey Arnold!
[x] House.

Foods I Enjoy Eating:
[ ] Rice.
[x] Cereal.
[x] Strawberries.
[ ] Pineapple.
[ ] Blueberries.
[x] Granola / energy bars.
[x] Bananas.
[x] Waffles.
[x] Chocolate.
[x] Crackers.
[x] Cheddar cheese.
[x] Mozzarella cheese.
[ ] Cherries.
[x] Whole wheat bread.
[ ] Tomatoes.
[ ] Red peppers.
[x] Chicken nuggets.
[x] Mozzarella sticks.
[x] Pancakes.
[ ] Fried clams.

Video Games I Enjoy Playing:
[ ] The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.
[ ] The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.
[ ] Animal Crossing: Wild World.
[ ] Animal Crossing: City Folk.
[ ] The Sims 2.
[ ] The Sims 3.
[x] Super Mario Galaxy.
[x] Super Mario Galaxy 2.
[x] Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
[x] Super Mario Sunshine.
[x] Mario Kart.
[x] Mario Party.
[ ] Flat Out.
[x] COD 3.
[x] COD: MW2.
[ ] Harvest Moon.
[ ] Sly 1, 2, & 3.
[ ] Pikmin 1 & 2.
[x] Uncharted.
[x] Wii Sports.

Websites I Visit Often:
[x] Tumblr
[x] Xanga.
[x] Twitter.
[ ] Flickr.
[ ] WeHeartIt.
[ ] Listography.
[x] Google.
[ ] Hulu.
[ ] Last.Fm.
[x] YouTube.

Things I Love To Do / Hobbies Of Mine:
[x] Blog.
[x] Photograph the world.
[x] Make scrap books.
[x] Make photo albums.
[x] Make bracelets.
[ ] Horseback ride.
[x] Go on little “adventures”.
[x] Travel to new places.
[ ] Read.
[x] Take & make surveys.
[ ] Swim.
[x] Make lists.
[x] Make people laugh & smile.
[x] Listen to music.
[x] Search for new music & new bands.
[ ] Clean my room.
[x] Make things for other people.
[ ] Go grocery shopping.
[ ] Play piano.
[x] Doodle & draw.

Things I Plan To Do In The Near & Far Future:
[x] Lose 10+ pounds.
[x] Learn how to play a certain song on an instrument.
[x] Buy all the items on my wishlist.
[x] Re - decorate my room.
[ ] Read all the books on my reading list.
[x] Make new friends.
[x] Travel the world doing what I love.
[x] Meet the famous people whom I admire.
[x] See my favorite band in concert.
[x] Meet someone I really love who cares about me.

Clothing / Accessories I Like:
[x] Flannels.
[x] Simple hoodies.
[x] Athletic shorts.
[x] Boyfriend shorts.
[x] Vans.
[x] Converse.
[x] T -shirts.
[ ] Tie - dye.
[x] Friendship bracelets.
[x] Skinny jeans.
[ ] Striped clothing.
[ ] Polo shirts.
[ ] Knee - high socks.
[x] Cardigans.
[x] Tank tops