Sunday, September 27, 2009

Lying is not attractive.

I was with this girl recently, that shall remain nameless & everytime she opened her mouth, she lied. She lied about so many different things. I don't know which one is more sad;; the fact that she kept lying through-out the whole night or that I knew she was lying everytime and I didn't call her out on any of it? She's supposedly one of my good friends. But I can't be friends with someone that jus straight up lies about everything in her life. I hate judging her for lying, but the girl even makes up stories about me- & thats prolly my BIGGEST pet peeve- when someone makes something up about me, whether it be stupid & small or downgrading. She causes soo much not needed drama- whether shes drunk or sober. I seriously don't understand why people have to lie. It's not an attractive quality, at all! Is it wrong of me to not want someone like this around me?

I completly forgot about this term that describes this girl 100%.. she's a pathological liar. The explains it the best; Somebody who lies to improve their self-image. A pathological liar is someone who often embellishes his or her stories in a way that he or she believes will impress people. It may be that a pathological liar is different from a normal liar in that a pathological liar believes the lie he or she is telling to be true—at least in public—and is "playing" the role. It is not clear, however, that this is the case. It could also be that pathological liars know precisely what they are doing. Making up stories and at the same time believing them is known as confabulation. The term "pathological liar" is not an official clinical diagnosis however psychiatrists may agree that pathological lying is often the result of a mental disorder or low self-esteem. Even though pathological lying is not recognized as a clinical disorder, legal court cases often require that you prove that the defendant is aware that he or she is lying. This proof is most important in cases of slander and/or liability. -Wikipedia

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